I would like to remind you, dear
commator, that some your ideas of sonantometry was illyustrated several earlier by examples of known Willaert's composition:
http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/mto.04.10. ... rley1.htmlTo this composition, I paid a lot of attention. Will pay still more
Am providing a new version in the system, which may be denoted


must be used as the set of factorization bases for JI. Sonantometry allows in symbolic sonant formulas use symbol of the distinguished sonant
Ø [pronunciation "o"] -
originant instead of 1/;
its subsonant
ø [pronunciation "yo"] - sub
originant instead /1;
simple sonants
T [pronunciation "te"] -
tonant instead of 2/,
D [pronunciation "de"] -
dominant instead of 3/,
P [pronunciation "pe"] - se
ptendecimant instead of 17/,
U [pronunciation "u"] -
undevicesimant instead of 19/;
their subsonants
t [pronunciation "ta"] - sub
tonant instead /2,
d [pronunciation "da"] - sub
dominant instead of /3,
p [pronunciation "pa"] - subse
ptendecimant instead /17,
u [pronunciation "yu"] - sub
undevicesimant instead /19.
Ascription to the standard 12EDO note formula of a sonant is accompanied by addition a ficta over the note, altering the pitch by the following reasons:
- 12EDO pitch is understood as detempered up to the corresponding Pythagorean value.
- The presence in the ascribed to note formula a symbol P alters its Pythagorean pitch by the subseptendecimal comma πε with value -8.729597¢.
- The presence in the ascribed to note formula a symbol p alters its Pythagorean pitch by the septendecimal comma επ with value +8.729597¢.
- The presence in the ascribed to note formula a symbol U alters its Pythagorean pitch by the Boethian (undevicesimal) comma Βο with value +3.378019¢.
- The presence in the ascribed to note formula a symbol u alters its Pythagorean pitch by the subBoethian (subundevicesimal) comma οΒ with value -3.378019¢.
- Is appointing bending of standard 12EDO pitch for deducing it at the level of the Pythagorean pitch corresponding to formulas without symbols from the current list, or altered by listed commas.

MP3 for trial listening to:
https://sites.google.com/site/commator/ ... 10V19J.mp3MIDI model and score in format TIF within ZIP:
https://sites.google.com/site/commator/ ... 10V19J.zipModel in format Sibelius 6:
https://sites.google.com/site/commator/ ... 10V19J.sib