Я попросил chatGPT составить контрольную по пределам и производным (точнее, не его, а телеграм бот, не знаю на сколько он с настоящим chatGPT связан). Вот диалог:
Compose a version of a math analysis quiz on "Limits and Derivatives". Six problems. Formulas must be typed in LaTeX1. Evaluate the following limit:

2. Find the derivative of the function:

3. Determine the equation of the tangent line to the curve

at the point

4. Find the critical points and determine the intervals where the function is increasing and decreasing:

5. Use L'Hopital's Rule to evaluate the following limit:

6. Find the second derivative of the function:
One more variant1. Evaluate the following limit:

2. Find the derivative of the function:

3. Determine the equation of the tangent line to the curve

at the point

4. Find the critical points and determine the intervals where the function is increasing and decreasing:

5. Use L'Hopital's Rule to evaluate the following limit:

6. Find the second derivative of the function:
Make the problems more difficult by including assignments on "The Derivative of an Implicit Function" and "The Derivative of a Parametric Function. Also include a maximum/minimum text problem.7. Find the derivative of the implicit function defined by the equation:

8. Find the second derivative of the implicit function defined by the equation:

9. Find the derivative of the parametric function defined by:

10. Find the second derivative of the parametric function defined by:

11. A rectangular field is to be enclosed with a fence on three sides, using a river as the fourth side. If the total length of fence used is 1000 meters, what dimensions will maximize the area of the field?
Задачи слишком лёгкие, но для целей пересдачи (для чего и нужно было) подойдут.