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ring is an abelian group
endowed with a
second binary operation
, satisfying on its own the requirements of being associative and having a two-sided identity, i.e.,
(which make
monoid), and further interacting with
via the following
distributive properties:
Могу еще взять «Алгебру» Ленга, сам по этой книге учился на первом курсе. Третье издание, Chapter II, самое начало:
ring is a set, together with two laws of composition called multiplication and addition respectively, and written as a product and as a sum respectively, satisfying the following conditions:
RI 1. With respect to addition,
is a commutative group.
RI 2. The multiplication is associative, and has a unit element.
RI 3. For all
we have
(This is called