Тогда метрику в студию. Потом я должен Вас сильно огорчить. Ваша идея о том что
существует некая фундаментальная длина
L и фундаментальное время
Т, которые не меняются при преобразованиях Лоренца,
не нова. Автором этой идеи является
G. Amelino-Camelia arXiv:hep-th/0204245 v1 29 Apr 2002
Non-commutative space-time of Doubly Special Relativity theories
Most approaches to quantum gravity work in top-tobottom fashion: one tries to define a more or less complete theory (like strings theory or loop quantum gravity) and then to work out some picture of low energy phenomena that can be in principle confronted with experiment.
This procedure is in a sharp contrast with the way the General Theory of Relativity has been first formulated. Einstein started with Special Relativity, and then tried to remove the tension between this theory and the Newtonian theory of gravity. Such a bottom-to-top way is
certainly easier because one starts with relatively simple problems, and only after getting some experience the more dicult ones are started being addressed. However, contrary to the situation Einstein was facing at the beginning of XX century, on our way to quantum gravity
we are in much more dicult situation having in our disposal virtually no experimental input (see however [1] for review of the current status of “Quantum Gravity Phenomenology”.)
The development of the top-to-bottom theories provided us however with some rather robust intuitions as to what the starting point of bottom-to-top procedure should be. First of all quantum gravity should certainly describe the flat geometry, i.e., the structure of space-time when gravitational field is switched o. Second, the top-to-bottom approaches seem to indicate the
existence of a fundamental scale, which could be identified with Planck scale (of length or mass.) These two observations form the basis for the studies presented in Electronic address:
jurekk@ift.uni.wroc.pl; Research partially supported by the KBN grant 5PO3B05620.
†Electronic address:
pantera@ift.uni.wroc.pl this paper. About a year ago, in his seminal papers [2], [3], [4]
G. Amelino-Camelia made the major breakthrough in
the bottom-to-top approach to quantum gravity. He observed
that if the Planck scale is treated not as a coupling
constant, but as an observer-independent scale, then we
immediately find ourselves with direct conflict with basic
principles of Special Relativity, which teaches us that
masses (and lengths) are not observer-independent. To
overcome this diculty Amelino-Camelia proposed to
consider theory with two observer-independent scales,
dubbed by him the Doubly Special Relativity (DSR). Healso suggested that such a theory may have as an algebra of symmetries some kind of a quantum (Hopf) algebra, which would be an extension of the standard Poincar´e algebra. The existence of the second observer-independent
scale is in this approach a remnant of Quantum Gravity, and thus Doubly Special Relativity is to be viewed therefore as a Quantum Gravity in flat space-time, or, in other words, Quantum Special Relativity. It turned out [5], [6] that the DSR proposal can be realized in the framework of the quantum κ-Poincar´e algebra [7], [8]. This algebra contains a natural deformation parameter
of dimension of mass κ by construction (along with the speed of light c which we will put here equal 1.) It has been explicitly showed in [6] that one of the basic physical prediction of the DSR theory with κ-Poincar´e algebra playing the role of an algebra of symmetries is the existence of the fundamental mass scale, which is observer-independent. The quantum κ-Poincar´e algebra is in the same relation to DSR theory as the standard Poincar´e algebra is related to Special Relativity. In other words DSR is a physical theory in which the description of energy-momentum
sector is provided by κ-Poincar´e quantum algebra. However the knowledge of this algebra is only the first step