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 Re: Есть научное подверждение работоспособности LENR.
Сообщение15.06.2013, 21:24 
Заслуженный участник



Munin в сообщении #737041 писал(а):
rockclimber в сообщении #737011 писал(а):
Ситуация чем-то напоминает серию "Саус Парка" про боксерский поединок между Иисусом и Дьяволом.

А расскажите тем, кто не смотрел.
Тут можно посмотреть эту серию и прочитать аннотацию к ней: http://southparkonline.3dn.ru/news/juzh ... 10-04-25-9

 Re: Есть научное подверждение работоспособности LENR.
Сообщение15.06.2013, 22:56 
Заслуженный участник
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 Re: Есть научное подверждение работоспособности LENR.
Сообщение22.06.2013, 18:52 
Аватара пользователя


Сегодня скончался Сержио Фокарди. :-(

 Re: Есть научное подверждение работоспособности LENR.
Сообщение09.07.2013, 15:51 
Аватара пользователя


Начато независимое от Росси производство реакторов в Штатах. (да, это опять из серии "Росси сказал"...)
The past three days have been holidays for most, but for us have been a tremendous period of work during which we made a historic page for what concerns our tech: for the first time, an E-Cat module, entirely produced by our USA Partner in the new factory ( a magnificence), charged with the charge made by the Partner’s CEO, using the materials we teached to buy, prepare,manipulate, treat, to make the charges, assembled , insulated, has started its operation, and the results are the same of the E-Cats built by us. This event means that for the first time an E-Cat not built by me, not controlled by me and not charged by me, not tested in my factory, but manufactured from third parties upon our instructions and know how has worked properly. This is the first unit of the plant that will give to the factory of our USA Partner all its necessary thermal energy, and is also the school ship for the employees. It is very important that it has been completely made by the Customer, not by me: it is the first of millions, but the first is always special. We celebrated with Coca Cola ( alcohol is forbidden in that factory). All the former plants, even if built in the USA, had been supplied with reactors cores made by me, so this is a very important step.
http://www.e-catworld.com/2013/07/rossi ... -pefectly/

 Re: Есть научное подверждение работоспособности LENR.
Сообщение28.07.2013, 00:45 
Аватара пользователя


The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project have posted a very positive assessment of this week’s ICCF-18 conference on their Facebook page. They see it as being a ‘watershed’ event with convincing evidence of excess heat being presented by Defkalion and Takahashi (see here), and an important advance for the principle of Live Open Science which the group is practicing. MFMP was founded last year at the ICCF conference in Korea, and seem to have the support of many players in the LENR research field. They report being offered equipment, IP and technology by attendees at the ICCF.

They also make an interesting statement regarding independent testing of Defkalion’s technology:

We have been told by a trusted source, whom we can not disclose, that there will be an independent report of DGT Hyperion technology published at some point. It is understood that some respected university professors have been involved. We certainly hope this is true and that we can have some detailed, rigorous analysis to support the promising live demonstrations of recent days.

Defkalion’s presentation this week was more of a demonstration than a validation — although Mats Lewan did a fine job providing an independent assesment of things he was able to see. An Independent test along the lines of the recent E-Cat test would provide even firmer evidence of the DGT Hyperion technology. This is the first I have heard of such a test, and from the statement here by the MFMP it sounds like this test may be imminent, if not already concluded. We’ll have to wait and see.
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