О современном искусстве судить не вправе, тем более что матерная лексика тут не приветствуется. Но что современная математика, что современная физика при всём разнообразии самосогласованы, представить себе теоретико-числовика, полагающего, что его отрасль опровергает топологию, не могу. А философы, каждый первый, полагает, что другие философы ошибаются. Поэтому хотел бы получить сведения, какую
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-- 28 ноя 2022, 15:28 --Ну и касательно замечания относительно аналитической философии. По крайней мере, если верить англо-Вики, "не всё так однозначно"
While early analytic philosophy tended to reject metaphysical theorizing, under the influence of logical positivism, it was revived in the second half of the twentieth century. Philosophers such as David K. Lewis and David Armstrong developed elaborate theories on a range of topics such as universals, causation, possibility and necessity and abstract objects. However, the focus of analytic philosophy generally is away from the construction of all-encompassing systems and toward close analysis of individual ideas.
Among the developments that led to the revival of metaphysical theorizing were Quine's attack on the analytic–synthetic distinction, which was generally taken to undermine Carnap's distinction between existence questions internal to a framework and those external to it.
The philosophy of fiction, the problem of empty names, and the debate over existence's status as a property have all come of relative obscurity into the limelight, while perennial issues such as free will, possible worlds, and the philosophy of time have had new life breathed into them.
The analytic view is of metaphysics as studying phenomenal human concepts rather than making claims about the noumenal world, so its style often blurs into philosophy of language and introspective psychology. Compared to system-building, it can seem very dry, stylistically similar to computer programming, mathematics or even accountancy (as a common stated goal is to "account for" entities in the world)
Иначе говоря, "отрицание метафизики" было на раннем этапе развития аналитической философии, а во второй половине ХХ века вновь вернулись.