Я не понимаю, а почему никто не вспоминает Human Accelerated Regions? По словам профессора Сапольского отличие человека от ближайших родственников — приматов (хотя эти регионы ускоренные сравнивают вообще с хребетными), отличие в эпигенетике огромное! И эти механизмы, в которых отличие, как раз отвечают за, я не знаю правильного слова, за создание мозга. Я исследования встречал, это не мои домыслы, с приматами исследование в КНР было, и с мышами. Ток найду... Например о трансплантации HAR приматам и мышам, HAR от человека естественно, так у них лобная доля мозга увеличивалась и когнитивные способности (я не помню как их там меряли) возрастали! Почему все фокусируются на кисти, ведь в животном мире есть и посложней инструменты, хобот слона например, и мозг у них больше.
Додано спустя некоторое время — вот, если не ошибаюсь...
Using lentivirus delivery, we successfully generated 11 transgenic monkeys carrying 2–9 copies of human MCPH1. Brain image analysis showed that the transgenic monkeys had similar brain volume and cortex thickness as the controls, but their relative brain volume and gray matter percentage were higher. Importantly, the transgenic monkeys exhibited delayed cortex gray matter development compared to the controls. Furthermore, the transgenic monkeys had more immature and fewer mature neurons and glial cells than the controls, which, according to the transcriptome data, was likely caused by the suppression of many neuron maturation- and neuron differentiation-related genes. This observation was further illustrated by detailed analysis of developing brain laminas at the neurogenesis peak during fetal development.
Finally, to test whether the observed delay in brain development had any impact on behavior and cognition, we tested working memory in the transgenic monkeys using delayed matching-to-sample tasks. Notably, the transgenic monkeys exhibited better working memory and shorter reaction time than the controls, suggesting that neotenous brain development in the transgenic monkeys was beneficial for the formation of cognitive abilities, confirming the proposed evolutionary advantage of human neoteny. In our future work, we will: (1) examine the molecular pathway explaining how human MCPH1 copies delay brain development and neural maturation, thus identifying more neoteny-related genes; and (2) apply more sophisticated tests to further understand how the neotenous brain affects cognitive formation in transgenic monkeys.
This study represents the first attempt to utilize a transgenic monkey model to study human brain evolution. It also provides the first molecular genetic evidence showing neotenous changes during brain development caused by human-specific mutations of a single gene. The results highlight the great potential of non-human primate models in studying human evolution and may pave the way for future studies to explore the genetic mechanisms of human-specific traits and elucidate the etiology of human brain disorders such as autism and Alzheimer’s disease.
A transgenic monkey model for the study of human brain evolutionИ там еще были исследования, еще раньше, но вроде какой-то скандал начался и их запретили официально, я где-то сохранял ссылки, поищем.