Потому что для исламистов халифат - единственно правильная политическая организация исламского мира (а в идеале - всего мира).
Ок, смотрим в вики, видим...
Islamization (also spelled Islamisation, see spelling differences; Arabic: أسلمة aslamah), Islamicization[1] or Islamification (pejorative Muhammadization) is the process of a society's shift towards Islam, such as found in Sudan, Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia, or Algeria.[2] In contemporary usage, it may refer to the perceived imposition of an
Islamist social and political system on a society with an indigenously different social and political background.
Ткните пожалуйста пальцем , где тут говорится о Халифате? Может быть надо посмотреть на слово "исламист?"
Вики ведет сюда:
Islamism (Urdu: اسلام پرستی; Arabic: إسلاموية), also known as Political Islam, utilizes certain Muslim "doctrines, beliefs and values as the foundation of a political structure that supporters of that ideology have called 'the Islamic State'.".[1] Islamists can have varying interpretations on various Quranic suras and ayahs. Islamist views emphasize the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law); of pan-Islamic political unity; and of the selective removal of non-Muslim, particularly Western military, economic, political, social, or cultural influences in the Muslim world that they believe to be incompatible with Islam.[2]
Может тут найдете про Халифат? Или Вы считаете, что "Islamic state=Caliphate"?
Islamic stateЦитата:
An Islamic state (Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية ad-dawlah al-islamīyah) is a type of government primarily based on the enforcement of shari'a (Islamic law), dispensation of justice, maintenance of law and order.[1] From the early years of Islam, numerous governments have been founded as "Islamic."
However, the term "Islamic state" has taken on a more specific connotation since the 20th century. The concept of the modern Islamic state has been articulated and promoted by ideologues such as Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Israr Ahmed, and Sayyid Qutb. Like the earlier notion of the caliphate, the modern Islamic state is rooted in Islamic law. It is modeled after the rule of Muhammad. However, unlike caliph-led governments which were imperial despotisms or monarchies (Arabic: malik), a modern Islamic state can incorporate modern political institutions such as elections, parliamentary rule, judicial review, and popular sovereignty.
Опять не то...
Дайте пожалyйста источник, откуда Вы взяли, что
для исламистов халифат - единственно правильная политическая организация исламского мира (а в идеале - всего мира).
Cлово халифат - ключевое.
-- Tue Nov 17, 2015 08:47:51 --А вот вы изо всех сил пытаетесь прочитать в совершенно однозначном тексте то, чего там нет.
Блин. Ну хоть прочитайте тогда тот абзац, который идет
непосредственно перед фразой, которую Вы цитировали:
Students can use single occupancy bathrooms or unisex faculty bathrooms if they want, but it should be a choice, not a directive, said Alison Gill, senior legislative counsel for the Human Rights Campaign. Forcing students to use different bathrooms further stigmatizes them, placing them at greater risk for harassment. Logistically, depending on its location, it can also be inconvenient.
Неужели надо пояснять, что Гилл ведет разговор o недопустимости "выделять трансов с помощью унисекс или нейтральных туалетов". В таком контексте, фраза
hundreds of school districts nationwide allow transgender students to use the same bathrooms as everyone else "and it hasn't been a problem."
имеет совершенно двоякий смысл. На что я и пытаюсь обратить Ваше внимание на протяжении уже нескольких страниц.
И таки да, я вполне допускаю, что некоторое время назад в некоторых местах трансам рекомендовалось пользоваться нейтральными уборными, во избежание претензий со стороны straight people.