было бы неплохо из человека по аналогии вытащить только митохондрии (или не митохондрии, тут я почти не в курсе)
В организме среднестатистического человека АТФ образуется со скоростью
молекул в секунду, т.е. 65 кг образуется и используется в день.
-- 19.11.2016, 23:40 --Power Sex Suicide Mitochondria And The Meaning Of Life писал(а):
ATP is composed of adenosine bound to three phosphate groups linked end to end in a chain, a somewhat precarious arrangement. Splitting off the terminal phosphate group from ATP releases a large amount of energy that can be used to power work—indeed, is required to power much biological work. In the 1930s the Russian biochemist Vladimir Engelhardt showed that ATP is necessary for muscle contraction—muscles tense in a state of rigor, as in rigor mortis, when deprived of ATP. Muscle fibres split ATP to liberate the energy that they need to contract and relax again, leaving adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate (P): ATP -> ADP -> P + energy.
Few people accepted the universal significance of ATP at first, but work by Fritz Lipmann and Herman Kalckar in Copenhagen in the 1930s confirmed it, and by 1941 (now in the US), they proclaimed ATP to be ‘the universal energy currency’ of life. In the 1940s this must have been an audacious claim, the kind that can easily backfire and cost the advocates heir careers. Yet astonishingly, given the flamboyance and variety of life, it is basically true. ATP has been found in every type of cell ever studied, whether plant, animal, fungal, or bacterial. In the 1940s, ATP was known to be the product of both fermentation and respiration, and by the 1950s, photosynthesis was added to the list—it, too, generates ATP, in this case by trapping the energy of sunlight. So the three great energy highways of life, respiration, fermentation, and photosynthesis, all generate ATP, another profound example of the fundamental unity of life.