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Да, есть такое - что у женщин находящихся рядом месячные циклы синхронизируются.
Можно полюбопытствовать, из каких источников Вам это стало известно? Это важно для медицины? Биологии? Я знаю, что эти исследования представляют
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Вот, блин, прикол.
Синхронизация месячных связана с гипотезой Римана что ли? Physics to Number Theory via Noncommutative Geometry. Part I: Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Q-lattices
Alain Connes (College de France), Matilde Marcolli (MPIM Bonn)
1.11 The BC algebra and optical coherence
It is very natural to look for concrete physical realizations of the phase transition
exhibited by the BC system. An attempt in this direction has been proposed
in [43], in the context of the physical phenomenon of quantum phase locking in
Phase LockingЦитата:
The process of phase locking occurs whenever the chaotic actions of the individual shifts to the ordered actions of a collective system--when individual behavior shifts to a collective behavior...
...the following examples of phase entrainment:
(1) Populations of crickets entrain each other to chirp coherently.
(2) Populations of fireflies flash together.
(3) Yeast cells display coherence in glycolytic oscillation.
(4) Insects show coherence in their cycles of eclosion (emergence from the pupal to adult form).
(5) Populations of women living together may show phase-entrainment of their ovulation cycles.
(6) Populations of secretory cells, such as in the pituitary, pancreas, and other organs, release their hormones in coherent pulses.