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Graham (1970) therefore considered series of N equivalent measurements (

subsequent branchings - similar to series of decay events discussed at the end of Sect. 4.5). He was then able to demonstrate that the total norm of all those of the resulting Everett branches which represent series of outcomes that differ significantly from the Born rule must become extremely small, and vanish in the limit

(see also Jammer 1974). While this result permits an elegant formulation of the probability postulate (by assuming merely that we happen to live in an Everett branch of not extremely small norm), this assumption is still completely equivalent to what is to be derived*.
* This may be illustrated by the example of results obtained for

subsequent measurements distinguishing between spin states



identical initial superpositions

. Since the number of branches which contain

‘spinups’, say, is then statistically given by the binomial coefficient

regardless of the values of the coefficients


, the distribution of measurement outcomes

over many such series of


, would form a Poisson distribution centered at the required value if and only if the probability for each branch is assumed to be given by its norm

. This is precisely Born’s probability rule. (Example provided by Erich Joos.)