This problem is not mine

and is not so symetrical as usualy. Mine problems are more symmetrical as you observed
Let O=circumcenter of ABC and let C1 a point on its circumcircle such that C, O and C1 are collinear. It's well know that C1, M and H are collinears too. Now, we can see C1HEA and C1HFB are cyclics, then i just need to prove C1E=C1F.
Doing an easy angles translation we can observe that. (Using that C1AHB is paralelogram)
The solution is not mine. I think it is good problem. It was the reason to share with you.
If I should solve the problem I will use trygonometry ... Sine law for the triangles: CHE, CHF, definition for sine for triangle MHD where D is the feet of the altitude through C. And maybe some other trygonometric formulaes and the reader of my solution will have a headache...
What about the source of this problem do you know it?
Is it some russian problem?