Distributed computing projectOpen to all forum users and guests, who have the opportunity to use their computing resources.
We are looking for:
1. Smallest number such that there are n symmetric (in the gap sense) primes on each side.
A055381Result are found for

633925574060671: 0 16 40 48 58 112 118 148 156 198 216 232 250 292 300 330 336 390 400 408 432 448
(author Dmitry Petukhov)
Now we need to find the following solution: for

2. Central prime p in the smallest (

)-tuple of consecutive primes that are symmetric with respect to p.
a(n) = the smallest prime p(k) such that p(k+j) - p(k+j-1) = p(n+k+1-j) - p(n+k-j) for all j with 1 <= j <= n.
A175309Result are found for

3945769040698829: 0 12 18 42 102 138 180 210 240 282 318 378 402 408 420
(author Dmitry Petukhov)
Now we need to find the following solution: for

3. Sequence of paragraph 1 for

such that the sequence of the numbers, you can make pandiagonal square of order 4.
Found the following results:
170693941183817: 0 30 42 44 72 74 86 90 116 120 132 134 162 164 176 206
(author Max Alexeyev; see
The set of 16 consecutive primes forming a 4x4 pandiagonal magic square with the smallest magic constant (682775764735680).
11796223202765101: 0 22 36 58 90 112 126 148 210 232 246 268 300 322 336 358
(author Dmitry Petukhov)
17537780902038437: 0 6 60 66 126 132 144 150 186 192 204 210 270 276 330 336
(author Dmitry Petukhov)
The program for project (author Alex Belyshev)You can write a program to find solutions.
And you can use a program made specifically for this project:
https://yadi.sk/d/rJkoP5N-d83ebAuthor of the program wrote about it here
post939664.html#p939664This program allows you to search for the natural numbers up to
Participants of the project1. Natalia Makarova (author of the project)
2. Alex Belyshev (author of the program)
3. Max Alekseyev
4. Dmitry Petukhov
Linkspost939431.html#p939431post938945.html#p938945post891839.html#p891839post973283.html#p973283post974234.html#p974234 post939603.html#p939603You can ask your questions here, and also in a personal message to the author of the project.