I have compiled a set of notes entitled "Applied LaTeX for Economists, Social Scientists and Others". These notes can be downloaded from
http://ideas.repec.org/p/tcd/tcduee/tep0214.html. The abstract to the set of notes reads -
This document provides an introduction to LaTeX for Economists, Social Scientists and those in similar disciplines. While LaTeX is of particular interest to those preparing documents containing some mathematics, tables or graphs its typesetting facilities can also benefit those preparing documents containing only textual material. The document emphasizes the use of a modern interface such as TeXstudio which simplifies the use of LaTeX. The document also contains details as to how other software such as statistical/econometric packages, spreadsheet, word-processing and graphics programs may be used in conjunction with LaTeX.
The set of notes can be regarded as a preliminary version of a book which reflects my own use of LaTeX over many years and that of other colleagues that I have introduced to or helped with LaTeX. I would welcome any comments on the document.
М.б. к.-н. будет полезно.