Вот программа на C.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <time.h>
#define TEST(f,x) (*(f+(x)/16)&(1<<(((x)%16L)/2)))
#define SET(f,x) *(f+(x)/16)|=1<<(((x)%16L)/2)
main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned char *feld=NULL, *zzz;
unsigned long teste=1, max, mom, hits=1, count, alloc, s=0, e=1;
time_t begin;
if (argc > 1)
max = atol (argv[1]) + 10000;
max = 14010000L;
while (feld==NULL)
zzz = feld = malloc (alloc=(((max-=10000L)>>4)+1L));
for (count=0; count<alloc; count++) *zzz++ = 0x00;
printf ("Searching prime numbers to : %ld\n", max);
begin = time (NULL);
while ((teste+=2) < max)
if (!TEST(feld, teste)) {
if (++hits%2000L==0) {printf (" %ld. prime number\x0d", hits); fflush(stdout);}
for (mom=3L*teste; mom<max; mom+=teste<<1) SET (feld, mom);
printf (" %ld prime numbers foundn %ld secs.\n\nShow prime numbers",
hits, time(NULL)-begin);
while (s<e) {
printf ("\n\nStart of Area : "); fflush (stdout); scanf ("%ld", &s);
printf ("End of Area : "); fflush (stdout); scanf ("%ld", &e);
count=s-2; if (s%2==0) count++;
while ((count+=2)<e) if (!TEST(feld,count)) printf ("%ld\t", count);
free (feld);
return 0;
Вот прогон до миллиарда.
Microsoft Windows XP [Версия 5.1.2600]
(С) Корпорация Майкрософт, 1985-2001.
C:\Documents and Settings\Someone>d:\Programming\CBuilder5\Projects\sieve_c\siev
e_c.exe 1000000000
Searching prime numbers to : 1000000000
50847534 prime numbers foundn 26 secs.
Show prime numbers
Start of Area : 999999000
End of Area : 1000000000
999999001 999999017 999999029 999999043 999999059
999999067 999999103 999999107 999999113 999999131
999999137 999999151 999999163 999999181 999999191
999999193 999999197 999999223 999999229 999999323
999999337 999999353 999999391 999999433 999999487
999999491 999999503 999999527 999999541 999999587
999999599 999999607 999999613 999999667 999999677
999999733 999999739 999999751 999999757 999999761
999999797 999999883 999999893 999999929 999999937
Start of Area : End of Area : ^C
C:\Documents and Settings\Someone>
Вот прогон до 14000000.
C:\Documents and Settings\Someone>d:\Programming\CBuilder5\Projects\sieve_c\siev
Searching prime numbers to : 14000000
910077 prime numbers foundn 1 secs.
Show prime numbers
Start of Area : 13999000
End of Area : 14000000
13999003 13999009 13999057 13999079 13999099
13999121 13999133 13999147 13999159 13999169
13999171 13999189 13999213 13999253 13999267
13999273 13999289 13999291 13999301 13999309
13999351 13999369 13999393 13999397 13999399
13999421 13999423 13999441 13999459 13999463
13999471 13999477 13999481 13999519 13999529
13999537 13999549 13999597 13999603 13999621
13999651 13999673 13999691 13999703 13999723
13999729 13999747 13999757 13999759 13999781
13999787 13999813 13999831 13999871 13999873
13999877 13999889 13999919 13999957 13999961
13999969 13999981