My question: is there a simpler way to accomplish this task than observed in my code below?
Write a program named
ASCIIArt that displays the following output on the screen:
// Displays Art made of ASCII characters
public class ASCIIArt {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("\t \' \' _");
System.out.println("\t (\\____/) [ ]");
System.out.println("\t (_oo_) ( )");
System.out.println("\t (O) |>|");
System.out.println("\t __||__ \\) __/===\\__");
System.out.println("\t [] /_____\\ [] / // |o=o| \\\\ ");
System.out.println("\t / \\______/ \\/ <] |o=o| [> ");
System.out.println("\t / /__\\ \\=====/ ");
System.out.println("\t (\\ /____\\ / / | \\ \\ ");
System.out.println("\t <_________>");