September 29 - October 4, 2008
Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine
* Physics of advanced and novel lasers
* High power solid-state and gas lasers and applications
* Semiconductor lasers
* Laser resonators and beam propagation
* Terahertz radiation sources
* Laser biomedicine and chemistry
* Physics and engineering of nanostructures
* Nonlinear optic materials and devices
* High-speed optics and optical solitons
* Quantum information
* Optical communications
* PBG and photonic crystal devices
* Optical measurement and instrumentation
* Organic coherent optics and bio-photonics
9-th International Conference on LASER and FIBER-OPTICAL NETWORKS MODELING (LFNM 2008)
October 2-4, 2008
Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine
* Modeling of physical processes in lasers including semiconductor, solid-state, and gas ones
* Nonlinear effects in active and passive optical devices and systems
* Short pulse generation, ultrafast effects and dynamical phenomena
* Dispersive media and light beam propagation in the optical waveguides and gratings
* Novel materials, devices, and simulation tools
* Photonic integrated circuits and broadband optical networks modeling
Deadline for submission of 150-200 words abstract is April 15, 2008.
Deadline for submission of 3 pages camera-ready papers is July 1, 2008.
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