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1. Walker F., Wiliam B. et al. Chart of the Nuclides. Knolls Atomic Power Lab: Naval Reactor. V.S.Department of Energy, 1988. 2. Yoshizawa V. et al. Chart of the Nuclides. Science Eng. Research Lab: Waseda University, Tokio, 1988. 3. Селинов И.П. Таблицы атомов, атомных ядер и субатомных частиц. Приложение к книге “Строение и ситематика ядер”. М.: Наука, 1990. 4. Antony M.S. Chart of the Nuclides. Center de Researches Nucleaires et Uneversite Louis Pasteur. Strasbourg, 1993. 5. Browne E., Firestone R.B. Table of Radioactive Isotopes. Ed. V.S. Shirley. N.Y. John Wisley and Sons, 1996. 6. Голошвили Т.В., Чечев В.П., Лбов А.А. справочник нуклидов. М: ЦНИИ АТОМИНФОРМ, 1995. 7. Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File - a computer file of evaluated experimental nuclear structure data maintained by National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory. (Files from March 1995). 8. Konieczny M., Potet B., Rockey J., A PC Program for Displaying Data from the Joint Evaluated File (JEF) Library. Prac. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data Science and Technology, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1994, v.2, p.754.