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Miguel Alcubierre. The warp drive: hyper-fast travel within general relativity.
It is shown how, within the framework of general relativity and without the introduction of wormholes, it is possible to modify a spacetime in a way that allows a spaceship to travel with an arbitrarily large speed. By a purely local expansion of spacetime behind the spaceship and an opposite contraction in front of it, motion faster than the speed of light as seen by observers outside the disturbed region is possible. The resulting distortion is reminiscent of the “warp drive” of science fiction. However, just as it happens with wormholes, exotic matter will be needed in order to generate a distortion of spacetime like the one discussed here.
WARP (из словаря Lingvo 12):
- (физ.) кривизна пространства
- (фант.) прокол искривлённого пространства, позволяющий мгновенные перелёты к звёздам и к другим галактикам; ср. с нуль-транспортировкой у Стругацких.
Начинается статья так:
When we study special relativity we learn that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. This fact is still true in general relativity, though in this case one must be somewhat more precise: in general relativity, nothing can travel locally faster than the speed of light.
Замечание: Лет 10 назад была популярна тема машины времени на основе wormholes.