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 Favorite antivirus
Сообщение26.06.2008, 15:25 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
What is your favorite antivirus? Why?

Сообщение26.06.2008, 15:45 

Norton Internet Security (antivirus+firewall) --- no complaints, only some installation problems; Doesn't slow down the system. On my PC it was 'defeated' only once, through a hole in IE (I think that was mostly my carelessness; now I just use Firefox). Easily catches all the pendrive trojans.

Добавлено спустя 5 минут 34 секунды:

I sometimes use avz to double-check my drives. But I remember norton finding five more trojans after avz and dr.web checks.

Сообщение26.06.2008, 16:33 
Аватара пользователя

Kaspersky Internet Security is my choice. This programme has best results in all internet tests.

Сообщение26.06.2008, 21:07 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
Yes, you are both connoisseurs.

What do you think about Dr Web, ZoneAlarm, Rising Antivirus, NOD32, AVG, Avast, Avira, Sophos, Webroot Antivirus, Mc. Afee? Do you know some other good antiviruses?

Сообщение26.06.2008, 21:33 
Заслуженный участник

I use Avast.
In my opinion this antivirus is good. Besides, there is a version of it which is freeware, and it's not nessesary to pay money for it or to find and install illegal copy. Avast don't require licence key, registration and so on. All it requires is internet connection for getting updates :D

Сообщение26.06.2008, 21:52 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
I'm wondering if Avast will protect you against spyware and is it a problem if it don't have a firewall?

Сообщение27.06.2008, 05:28 

ins- писал(а):
is it a problem if it don't have a firewall?
Definitely is.

First of all, if there are other computers around you for which you have an external IP address (probably that's a LAN through which your ISP connects you to the internet, or if you just have an external IP instead of being hidden under the server's IP), hackers sitting on these computers can try to connect to some of your services and exploit some of their holes and do some bad things. (One of my friends once told me "Why do I get a message on reboot that* 'someone is connected to my computer and turning it off would lead to disconnecting them' while I don't have a home network??")

But, even more important thing is that a firewall controls the programs' connecting to the internet from your computer. A spyware program, even if it is missed by your antivirus, cannot do any harm unless it connects to the internet. And the firewall will ask you: "your coffee pot is trying to connect to the internet; should I allow it to?"

So a firewall, unlike an antivirus, requires some thinking and discriminating system services from viruses and any other unwanted activity.

* I'm not so sure how does this message sound in english versions, but in russian XP that's "К компьютеру подключены пользователи. Отключение питания приведет к их отключению. Продолжить?"

Сообщение01.07.2008, 15:07 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
Please say,
what do you think about
Outpost Internet Security and ZoneAlarm Internet Security.
Which is better? Are they better than Norton Internet Security and Kaspersky Internet Security?

Сообщение02.07.2008, 07:35 

Why you don't say about ClamAV? It's a good free antivirus, which is very usefull at servers for M$-based domain.

I use Linux, so don't need any antivirus software :-)

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