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 System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение06.08.2020, 13:58 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
Solve the system:

$y^2+z^2-2 a y z = 1 - a^2$

$z^2+x^2-2 b z x = 1 - b^2$

$x^2+y^2-2 c x y = 1 - c^2$

where $a$, $b$, $c$ are real parameters.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение06.08.2020, 17:04 
Аватара пользователя

В общем случае можно так подобрать числа $A,B,C$, что замена координат $x\mapsto Ax,\quad y\mapsto By,\quad z\mapsto Cz$ приведет систему уравнений к виду, когда в правой части стоят $\pm 1$. Левая часть при этом не изменится. Приравнивая соответствующие левые части мы получим два уравнения конусов с общей вершиной в нуле и третье уравнение поверхности второго порядка. Конусы пересекаются по нескольким прямым. Долго, нудно.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение06.08.2020, 17:25 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
I received this problem from a Vietnamese guy. The idea was to show the application of hyperbolic trigonometric functions in algebra. I think the problem can be solved also using pure trigonometry. Posted it here to see different ideas and approaches as well as to see if there is a pure algebraic solution.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение06.08.2020, 18:07 
Заслуженный участник

ins- в сообщении #1477662 писал(а):
if there is a pure algebraic solution
Sorry, but for this system, we have no a "good" (elementary or pure algebraic) answer. In general, each of unknowns $x$, $y$, $z$ is a root of a quartic univariable equation. Thus, we need to use the Ferrari method (for instance) or more complicated methods.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение06.08.2020, 20:52 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
I observed something interesting about this system. If any of the variables or parameters is > 1, all the remaining are greater than 1. If it is < 1 all the remaining are < 1.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение06.08.2020, 23:15 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България ... 2C+z%7D%5D according to the software $x$ can be found after solving an 8-th degree equation, that can be transformed to a 4-th degree one. For this equation is possible to avoid Ferrari's formula (there is no a 3-rd root in the result) but requires lots of calculations and without software it is possible to be not easy for doing. I suspect there'd be something easier.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 00:01 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

so dna
ins- в сообщении #1477723 писал(а):
I suspect there'd be something easier.
You're right. The solution is elementary (the answer can be expressed in terms of square roots)

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 00:14 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
In the Modenov's book I found the following system:
I'm posting it in this problem topic because of the following - in the book is given a "nice" answer. While if I put it directly in the software some terrible expressions appear. The case with the system I posted at the beginning is possible to be the same. (I don't know how to solve both systems, but it doesn't mean they are not solvable by a person with more experience.)

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 05:45 
Заслуженный участник

ins- в сообщении #1477723 писал(а):
For this equation is possible to avoid Ferrari's formula (there is no a 3-rd root in the result)
It happens that you are lucky :-) Indeed, the Galois group for that equation is $\mathbb{Z}^2 \times \mathbb{Z}^2$. In more elementary terms: the Cardano's resolvent has a rational root.
ins- в сообщении #1477740 писал(а):
While if I put it directly in the software some terrible expressions appear.
In this case, we have $S_4$ as the Galois group for the corresponding equation of 4th degree. So, we need some tricks if we believe that there exists a "good" answer.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 16:16 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
It looks like the answer or the statement in the Modenov's book for the second problem is wrong. I put some of the answers in the equation and they are not identities.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 16:21 
Заслуженный участник

ins- в сообщении #1477850 писал(а):
I put some of the answers in the equation and they are not identities.
Can you write the answer here? What is the mentioned Modenov's book?

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 16:43 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
The statement:
Solve the system -
One of the answers is:
If $a^3+b^3+c^3 - 3abc \ne 0$ then there are two solutions: $\frac{a^2-bc}{\sqrt{a^3+b^3+c^3 - 3abc}}$, $\frac{b^2-ca}{\sqrt{a^3+b^3+c^3 - 3abc}}$, $\frac{c^2-ab}{\sqrt{a^3+b^3+c^3 - 3abc}}$, where the radical can have any of the two possible signs, but the same for the expressions for $x$, $y$, $z$.

If the signs are "-" instead of "+" in all the system's equations the answer they mention is correct.

This makes me to think systems like these requires an extra attention and more time to be solved.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 17:32 
Заслуженный участник

ins- в сообщении #1477854 писал(а):
If the signs are "-" instead of "+" in all the system's equations the answer they mention is correct.
Oh, yes! Как у нас говорят, это две большие разницы. Obviously, we have an errata.

In any case, I recommend to use the Groebner bases technique. (If we want to establish the correct result.)

-- Пт авг 07, 2020 21:56:06 --

I can propose for further experiences the following "more simple" system: $$x^2-y=a, \quad y^2-z=a, \quad z^2-x=a.$$ For $a=2$ we have a nice "trigonometric" solution. What about other values of $a$? I don't know.

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 20:15 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

so dna
nnosipov в сообщении #1477857 писал(а):
What about other values of $a$?
Пусть $f(x)=x^2-a$ тогда имеем уравнение $f(f(f(x)))=x$
$f(f(f(x)))-x = (x^2-x-a)$$

 Re: System of equations; 3 equations - 2-nd degree
Сообщение07.08.2020, 20:29 
Заслуженный участник

А что, $7/4$ --- это забавно. Пусть теперь $a=7/4+t^2$, где $t>0$ --- рациональное число. Найти все $t$, при которых оба кубических уравнения имеют "красивые" тригонометрические корни. (Надо посчитать их дискриминанты и потребовать, чтобы они оба были точными квадратами.)

Upd. О, да таких $t$ дофига очень много.
Upd-2. Да они (вот ведь бывает!) все такие. Так что красиво будет не только при $a=2$ (хорошо известный случай), но и, например, при $a=4$.

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