С TL 2015 LaTeX поумнел
David Carlisle в документации к новому пакету «elocalloc» писал(а):
Prior to the 2015/01/01 LATEX release, access to extended registers was usually
provided by the etex package. From 2015 on the base LATEX format \knows" the
register ranges for tex, etex, xetex and luatex, and so for most purposes the etex
package is not required.
For existing documents etex may still be loaded and will work as before, how-
ever in general it is best not to load etex as it will over-write the new allocation
scheme with its own.
Standard allocation macros such as \newbox and extended versions of tracing
commands are now defined in the format for suitable engines however there were
some features of etex not copied into the format, notably the "\local" allocation
macros. A search of CTAN showed that these were almost never used, and their
use can often be avoided, however there are occasions when they may be useful.
This package provides implementations based on the new allocation system in
LATEX 2015/01/01.
Within a local group a command such as \locbox\tmpbox denes \tmpbox to
be a box register, but unlike \newbox the denition is local, and at the end of the
group, \tmpbox loses its denition, and the box allocation number is restored.
The package denes: \loccount, \locdimen, \locskip, \locmuskip, \locbox,
\loctoks and \locmarks.