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 Light, Origin of mass and Physicial Vaccuum (best versio
Сообщение24.02.2014, 02:24 


Dami i Gospoda.
posmotri teper podpravlenuyu idealnuyu versiyu. Moy programmer is Chelyabinksa uje davno ne delaet nikakix
updeitov na moyem sayte newcanadianvideo.com . Naverno ego uje davno net v jivix. Tak chto na saite
tolko ustarevshie versii.

Light, Origin of mass and Physicial Vaccuum (best version)

Electron charge, electron mass, has been calculated on the base of heavy vacuum photon model.

In the beginning there was nothing: empty space with zero electrical constant and magnetic permeability . After, God
opened the tap and light shone through.
However, this was not ordinary light, but heavy, with wavelength of lambda (classical electron radius).
Volume of the photon was lambda x lambda x lambda, with electrical constant of epsilonzero and magnetic permeability of
mewzero. This light appears to have properties of a running wave and standing wave, simultaneously.
Mean lenear speed was speed of light, c , with energy E= h*c/plambda .
This heavy photon is equivalent to parallel ocsilation circuit. Oscilation circut can carry any frequancy, but
only one frequancy reconance correspons to steanding wave.
A standing wave in a heavy photon will exist for a long period of time , because there is not resistance.
Its resonance frequancy because the standing wave.
If a nearby wave with this energy excites the heavy photon, it split in three or two parts.
I know the copacity of heavy photon
C= epsilonzero*lambda* lambda/ lambda = epsilonzero*lambda

I determine the capacitor plate charge at the moment of destruction.
So ballance energy is
h*c/lambda =qq/c ( there is not 1/2 for copacitor enegry because its recharges 2 times for period )
h*c/lambda= q*q*epsilonzero*lambda/lambda* lambda
q= sr(hc/epsilonzero)

it is charge of electron (e=q).

After destruction, each of the plates continues to rotate , which corresponds to the electron current,
e*c/4lambda, with loop inductance , mew zero*lambda ( approximately)

Electromagnetic energy is exactly energy of rest electron mass .

mcc/2 ~ (e*e*c*c/4*labda*4*labda) *mew zero*lambda/*2 = e*e*c*c*mewzero/16*lambda

This is mass of electron naturally

m~ me~ e*e*mewzero/16*lambda
The frequency of the same oscillation circuits is reduced under collisions due to waves beat . It's all easy.
Just image that two collides heavy photons are circuits with mutual inductance. All formulas you find here[1].
Generally, the universe is getting red with age.


mike lomidze

 Re: Light, Origin of mass and Physicial Vaccuum (best versio
Сообщение24.02.2014, 09:33 
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 Re: Light, Origin of mass and Physicial Vaccuum (best versio
Сообщение24.02.2014, 11:36 
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Модераторы: photon, whiterussian, profrotter, Jnrty, Aer, Парджеттер, Eule_A, Супермодераторы

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