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The Valuation Theory Home Page
This home page is intended to be a forum for all mathematicians who work in valuation theory or apply valuation theoretical results in their own field of research. The home page offers:
postscript- or dvi-files of recent papers, books, theses, and lecture notes in valuation theory
information about conferences and special events,
names and email addresses of mathematicians working in or with valuation theory, and, if possible, links to their home pages
a comprehensive bibliography as Bibtex-, dvi- and postscript file, which presently contains 770 entries,
a page for open problems and, hopefully, their solutions,
interesting NEWS in connection with valuation theory,
some useful links,
a page for historical information and related questions.
If you have suggestions, questions, ideas, news, or if you want your name and address on the above mentioned list, or if you have a recent paper in or applying valuation theory, then write to