Похоже, это обычное явление, см. wiki "Sea surface microlayer"
Цитата оттуда: "The sea surface microlayer (SML) is the top 1000 micrometers (or 1 millimeter) of the ocean surface. It is the boundary layer where all exchange occurs between the atmosphere and the ocean.[1] The chemical, physical, and biological properties of the SML differ greatly from the sub-surface water just a few centimeters beneath.
Organic compounds such as amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and phenols are highly enriched in the SML interface.
Most of these come from biota in the sub-surface waters, which decay and become transported to the surface,[3][4] though other sources exist also such as atmospheric deposition, coastal runoff, and anthropogenic nutrification.[1] The relative concentration of these compounds is dependent on the nutrient sources as well as climate conditions such as wind speed and precipitation.[4] These organic compounds on the surface create a "film," referred to as a "slick" when visible,[2] which affects the physical and
optical properties of the interface. ".
Поскольку в нескольких сантиметрах (точнее, даже в миллиметрах) от поверхности находится обычная морская вода, то ветер (и др. факторы) может легко смещать верхний слой. Это и может проявиться как блестящие и матовые области, например.