Помогите, пожалуйста, найти ошибки, считает вообще не правильно((((( unit Unit1;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Grids,Math;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Edit1: TEdit; Label2: TLabel; Button2: TButton; StringGrid1: TStringGrid; Label3: TLabel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm} {Function St(Value,Degree:Real):Real; Begin If Degree > 0 Then St:=Exp(Degree*Ln(Value)) Else St:=1/(Exp(Degree*Ln(Value))); End; }
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var j,s,k,i,n,step,izo:Integer; summ,akms,akps,b,hui:Real; Aa,A,x:Array[0..1000] Of Real; Begin Step:=StrtoInt(Edit1.Text); n:=step + 1; For i:=0 To Step Do Aa[i]:=StrtoFloat(StringGrid1.Cells[i,0]); j:=2; While j <= 128 Do Begin For k:=0 To Step Do begin Summ:=0; For s:=1 To k Do Begin If ((k-s)<0) Or ((k-s)>step) Then akms:=0 Else akms:=Aa[k-s]; If((k+s)<0) Or ((k+s)>step) Then akps:=0 Else akps:=Aa[k+s]; summ:=summ+power(-1,s)*akms*akps; End; j:=j*2;
A[k]:=Aa[k]*Aa[k]+2*summ; end; For i:=0 To Step Do Aa[i]:=A[i]; end;
for i:=0 To step Do begin hui:= Aa[i+1]/Aa[i]; x[i]:=power(hui,b); end;
for i:=0 To step Do Begin izo:=i+1; Label3.Caption:=Label3.Caption+'X'+inttoStr(izo)+'='+FloattoStr(x[i])+#13; End; Label3.CAption:=Label3.Caption+'Ïîäñòàâüòå êîðíè â èñõîäíîå óðàâíåíèå, ìåíÿÿ çíàêè êîðíåé íà ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûå, åñëè îíè íå îáðàùàþò åãî â òîæäåñòâî'; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin StringGrid1.Cells[0,0]:='1'; StringGrid1.Cells[1,0]:='1'; StringGrid1.Cells[2,0]:='1'; StringGrid1.Cells[3,0]:='1'; StringGrid1.Cells[4,0]:='-4'; end;