Котофеич писал(а):
Борис Лейкин писал(а):
Какое максимальное ускорение в природе встречается, не знаете?
В этих, ускорителях частиц, какое оно может быть?

Существует правдоподобная гипотеза, согласно которой, в природе существует максимально возможное ускорение. Ссылки дам позже.

Lorentz-Invariant Quantum Fields in the Spacetime Tangent Bundle
Howard E. Brandt
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, 2800 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783
maximal-acceleration invariant quantum field is defined on the spacetime tangent bundle, with vanishing eigenvalue when acted on by the Laplace-Beltrami operator of the bundle, and the case is addressed in which the spacetime is Minkowskian, and the field is Lorentz invariant. In this case, the field is shown to be automatically regularized at the Planckscale, and particle spectra are cut off at extremely high energies. Microcausality is addressed by calculating the appropriate field commutators, and it is shown that, provided the adjoint field is consistently generalized, the necessary commutators are vanishing, and the field is microcausal, but that there are Planck-scale modifications of the boundary of the causal domain that are significant for extremely large relative four-velocities between the separated spacetime points. For vanishing relative four-velocity, the causal domain is canonical. The geometry of the causal domain indicates that near the Planck scale, causal connectivity may occur between spacelike separated points, and also at larger scales for extremely large relative four-velocities.