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 Very beautiful and hard problem
Сообщение17.04.2010, 15:30 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
It is given the convex quadrilateral ABCD. Let:
P is intersection point of the diagonals AC and BD,
M is intersection point of the lines AB and CD,
N is intersection point of the lines AD and CB.
The line PN intersects AB and CD at the points X and Z respectively.
The line PM intersects BC and AD at the points Y and T respectively.
Prove that the lines MN, XY, ZT and AC intersects at a common point.

My questions are the following:
I know the statement is true but i don't know how to prove it, can you prove the problem?
Is it a famous theorem?
Have you ever seen the problem proposed?

 Re: Very beautiful and hard problem
Сообщение17.04.2010, 15:53 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

Don't know if it's familiar, but via projective transformations one can write zillions of such problems.

And it is not hard at all. Send $ABCD$ to a square with a projective transformation and you will arrive to a trivial statement.

 Re: Very beautiful and hard problem
Сообщение17.04.2010, 15:56 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
More opinions?

-- Сб апр 17, 2010 17:18:21 -- ... teral.html what I found using google.

 Re: Very beautiful and hard problem
Сообщение17.04.2010, 19:23 
Аватара пользователя

Роман/София, България
Now we have 4 solutions to this problem. You can see more solutions at:

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