After normalization the inverse grid for the example is
(AA, AB, DC, AD, BC, AF),
(CA, CE, AC, FD, CF, BA),
(DD, EE, ED, DF, FB, FC),
(EA, CC, BF, EC, AE, FF),
(BE, DB, CD, FE, BB, DA),
(EF, CB, BD, FA, EB, DE)
Sorry for some confusion, but the correct inverse is
(AA, AC, DD, AE, EB, FE),
(BA, EC, EE, CC, BD, BC),
(CD, CA, DE, FB, DC, DB),
(DA, DF, FD, CE, EF, AF),
(CB, FC, BF, EA, BB, BE),
(FA, AB, CF, FF, AD, ED)
The grid I posted erroneously is generated by
newgrid[grid[i, j].y, grid[i, j].x].x := j;
newgrid[grid[i, j].y, grid[i, j].x].y := i;
But his transformation also leaves the rawscore invariant.
You can combine the two operations (they commute) to get another variant which in its normalized form is
(AA, BA, CB, DA, ED, FA),
(DF, EC, FC, DB, DE, FD),
(AD, EF, DD, CC, BC, AF),
(FE, BE, CA, AC, FF, DC),
(AB, BF, BD, CE, BB, EB),
(FB, EE, EA, CF, AE, CD)
So there usually are at least
4 normalized boards, which have the same score.