CruzGibbs1975 |
The number of divisors equal to the degree of a prime number 21.05.2018, 16:09 |
21/05/18 1
What is the largest number of consecutive natural numbers, each of which has the same divisor number as a prime number with a natural exponent?
Theoretically, there can not be more than 15, this is easy to prove. Among the first hundred there are 11 such numbers in a row - from 33 to 43. I have a feeling that there can not be 12 in a row. How would you prove or disprove this?
Re: The number of divisors equal to the degree of a prime number 27.05.2018, 13:56 |
Заслуженный участник |
27/06/08 4063 Волгоград
Последний раз редактировалось VAL 27.05.2018, 13:59, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
The run of 15 consecutive positive integers starts from 893
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