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Сообщение24.05.2008, 06:58 
Заслуженный участник
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Южная Корея
Вадим Асадулин. писал(а):
Если Вы проживаете в Ю. Корее, завидую, что можете смотреть Arirang tv, передачи healthfinder

Да, здесь вообще много образовательных передач, не только по здоровью и кулинарии, но и по языкам, и даже по математике и химии. Включаешь иногда и видишь дядечку, пишущего формулы на доске. У нас ведь тоже когда-то такое было. Только я еще ребенком был, очень смутно помню.

Сообщение24.05.2008, 07:14 

А если конкретно про Arirang tv, передачи healthfinder? Не могли бы Вы сказать, продаются ли записи этих передач или они где-то есть в интерненте Я писал в редакцию, но ответа не получил. Эти программы перевести на русский и готовое учебное пособие по ЗОЖ! Именно, стык знаний! У меня есть несколько десятков этих записей на пленке плохого качества (не умел пользоваться аппаратурой), сам писал с кабельного телевидения, сейчас этой программы нет... :(

Сообщение24.05.2008, 08:18 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

Южная Корея
Вадим Асадулин. писал(а):
А если конкретно про Arirang tv, передачи healthfinder?

Не знаю, думаю нет. В википедии http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arirang_TV и на сайте http://www.arirang.co.kr такой передачи нет

Сообщение24.05.2008, 09:14 

Спасибо за ссылки. Вы меня заинтриговали, м. б. что с памятью, давно это было!
Посмотрю кассету, уточню название передачи.

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 24 секунды:

Soy As Good As Whey For Building Muscle.
Soy protein is as effective as the bodybuilder's favorite, whey, in maintaining muscle mass after endurance training, according to a study in rats.
"Soy can be a healthy part of post-exercise nutritional support," Dr. Tracy G. Anthony of the Indiana University School of Medicine in Evansville, the study's lead author, told Reuters Health.
While the body's skeletal muscle protein-building rate slows after an endurance workout, it actually speeds up after resistance exercise, she noted in an interview. After either type of exercise, taking in protein helps accelerate protein synthesis.
Weight lifters and other athletes often use whey-packed supplements because they are easily digested and therefore theoretically help build muscle faster, Anthony and her colleagues note in their report. But they have been less interested in using soy, she noted in an interview.
"There is this thought that because it's a vegetable-based protein, soy protein would not be as effective as an animal protein," Anthony explained. Male athletes may also hesitate to use soy as they fear it may have a feminizing effect, she added.
Anthony and her colleagues compared the effect of feeding rats soy or whey protein in helping them to restore muscle mass after they were exercised for two hours on a treadmill. Animals were fed carbohydrates only, carbohydrates plus soy, or carbohydrates plus whey, and all three regimens were compared in exercise and non-exercised rats.
The Solae Company, which makes soy-based supplements, funded the study, which is published in the Journal of Nutrition.
The effect of whey and soy was similar, the researchers found. "In terms of muscle protein synthesis they were equally effective," Anthony said.
"This is nice that we've shown this effect immediately after exercise, because this is when most people take their supplements," she added.
In the same rat model, Anthony said, she and her colleagues had previously found that protein consumption after endurance exercise sped up protein synthesis, a finding that has since been confirmed in humans.

Сообщение28.05.2008, 17:48 

Fasting by Ron Lagerquist:
http://www.freedomyou.com/level%202/Fas ... 0Guide.htm

Сообщение10.06.2008, 05:51 

Подборка материалов из научных журналов по лечению ревматических заболеваний методом лечебного голодания на разных языках.

Short-term therapeutic fasting in the treatment of chronic pain and fatigue syndromes - well-being and side effects with and without mineral supplements [Article in German].
Кратковременное лечебное голодание при лечении синдромов хронической боли и хронической усталости, побочных эффектов лекарственной терапии без применения минеральных пищевых добавок. Статья на немецком языке, резюме на английском.
CONCLUSIONS: Short-term fasting in patients with pain and stress syndromes is safe and well tolerated, concomitant mineral supplements have no additive benefit.
ВЫВОД: Кратковременное лечебное голодание пациентов с хронической болью и синдромом напряжения безопасно, хорошо переносится. Применение минеральных пищевых добавок не дает преимуществ.

Fasting followed by vegetarian diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review.
Систематический обзор литературы по лечебному голоданию с последующим соблюдением вегетарианской диетой больных с ревматоидным артритом.

Effects of a low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Article in Japanese].
Эффекты низкокалорийной вегетарианской диеты на активность заболевания и общее состояние больных с ревматоидным артритом. Статья на японском языке, резюме на английском.

Changes in laboratory variables in rheumatoid arthritis patients during a trial of fasting and one-year vegetarian diet.
Динамика изменений лабораторных параметров у больных ревматоидным артритом во время контролируемых исследований влияния лечебного голодания и соблюдения вегетарианской диеты в течение года.

Controlled trial of fasting and one-year vegetarian diet in rheumatoid arthritis.
Контролируемые исследования лечебного голодания и соблюдения вегетарианской диеты при лечении ревматоидного артрита.

Резюме полностью.
Short-term therapeutic fasting in the treatment of chronic pain and fatigue syndromes--well-being and side effects with and without mineral supplements [Article in German].
Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2002 Aug;9(4):221-7.
Michalsen A, Weidenhammer W, Melchart D, Langhorst J, Saha J, Dobos G.
Abteilung fur Innere Medizin V, Naturheilkunde und Integrative Medizin, Kliniken Essen Mitte, Essen.

Fasting followed by vegetarian diet has shown to be an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, moreover fasting is frequently used as an adjunctive treatment in chronic pain and stress/exhaustion syndromes. Data on well-being and the frequency of side effects during fasting are mostly retrospective. Mineral supplements are frequently used in order to compensate for fasting-induced tissue acidosis and to reduce side effects. There are only limited data that support this practice. OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of oral mineral supplements on common side effects and well-being during short-term fasting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 209 consecutive inpatients with chronic pain/exhaustion syndromes were recruited. In a controlled non-randomised study design all patients underwent fasting (250 kcal; 3 l fluid intake/day) over 7 days, in study phase 1 without (n = 103) and in study phase 2 with (n = 106) concomitant prescription of standardised oral mineral supplements (3 x 2 to 3 x 3 Bullrich's Vital). Weight, blood pressure and urinary pH were recorded daily. Well-being and mood as well as common side effects (i.e. fatigue, hunger, heart burn, headache) were assessed with standardised self-reports. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics of the 209 patients (mean age 54.7 +/- 10.5 years; 83.3% female) were balanced. Both groups showed a fasting-induced decrease of blood pressure, a slight decrease in mood and well-being on days 3 and 4 with consecutive increase and moderate hunger, i.e. in the evening. Side effects and general tolerability of fasting as well as well-being and mood were not different between the groups. There were no serious side effects in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Short-term fasting in inpatients with pain and stress syndromes is safe and well tolerated, concomitant mineral supplements have no additive benefit.

Fasting followed by vegetarian diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review.
Scand J Rheumatol 2001;30(1):1-10.
Muller H, de Toledo FW, Resch KL.
Balneology and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Institute (FBK), Bad Elster, Germany.

Clinical experience suggests that fasting followed by vegetarian diet may help patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We reviewed the available scientific evidence, because patients frequently ask for dietary advice, and exclusive pharmacological treatment of RA is often not satisfying. Fasting studies in RA were searched in MEDLINE and by checking references in relevant reports. The results of the controlled studies which reported follow-up data for at least three months after fasting were quantitatively pooled. Thirty-one reports of fasting studies in patients with RA were found. Only four controlled studies investigated the effects of fasting and subsequent diets for at least three months. The pooling of these studies showed a statistically and clinically significant beneficial long-term effect. Thus, available evidence suggests that fasting followed by vegetarian diets might be useful in the treatment of RA. More randomised long-term studies are needed to confirm this view by methodologically convincing data.

Effects of a low calorie vegan diet on disease activity and general conditions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Article in Japanese].
Rinsho Byori 1999 Jun;47(6):554-60.
Fujita A, Hashimoto Y, Nakahara K, Tanaka T, Okuda T, Koda M.
Clinical Research Laboratory, Sunstar Co. Ltd., Takatsuki.

There is little objective information about diet therapy for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Japan. We studied 14 patients with RA who stayed in the Koda hospital for 55 days. They basically took a 1200 kcal vegan diet consisting of unpolished rice gruel, juice of raw vegetables, soya bean curd and sesame seeds, and undertook a 3-5-day fast three times. During the 55-day stay, average body weight decreased by 5.1kg. Lansbury index and ESR decreased whereas CRP did not change. WBC decreased and the differential cell counts showed a decrease of neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes without a change in lymphocytes or basophils. RBC, hemoglobin and MCV increased. LDL-C decreased, while HDL-C increased. There was no change in total protein or albumin. These data suggest that this combination of a low calorie vegan diet and fasting may contribute to improve RA with little undesirable effects on the patient's general conditions.

Changes in glycosylation of IgG during fasting in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Br J Rheumatol 1996 Feb;35(2):117-9.
Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Sumar N, Bodman-Smith K, Brostoff J.
Institute of Immunology and Rheumatology, The National Hospital, Olso, Norway.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a higher proportion of agalactosyl IgG than healthy individuals. Glycosylation status was examined in 26 RA patients who fasted for 7-10 days and afterwards followed a vegetarian diet for 3.5 months. The decrease in the proportion of agalactosyl IgG correlated significantly with the clinical improvement after the fasting period, but not after the vegetarian diet period. Although the glycosylation status of IgG may have played a role in the improvement of disease during the fasting period, it did not seem to be associated with, and therefore responsible for, the clinical improvement observed after the vegetarian diet.

Changes in laboratory variables in rheumatoid arthritis patients during a trial of fasting and one-year vegetarian diet.
Scand J Rheumatol. 1995;24(2):85-93.
Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Mellbye OJ, Haugen M, Mollnes TE, Hammer HB, Sioud M, Forre O.
Institute of Immunology and Rheumatology, National Hospital, Oslo, Norway.

We have previously reported that significant improvement may be obtained in rheumatoid arthritis patients by fasting followed by a vegetarian diet for one year. The present study was carried out to examine to what extent biochemical and immunological variables changed during the clinical trial of fasting and vegetarian diet. For the patients who were randomised to the vegetarian diet there was a significant decrease in platelet count, leukocyte count, calprotectin, total IgG, IgM rheumatoid factor (RF), C3-activation products, and the complement components C3 and C4 after one month of treatment. None of the measured parameters changed significantly during this period in the group of omnivores. The course of 14 of 15 measured variables favored the vegetarians compared with the omnivores, but the difference was only significant for leukocyte count, IgM RF, and the complement components C3 and C4. Most of the laboratory variables declined considerably in the vegetarians who improved according to clinical variables, indicating a substantial reduction in inflammatory activity. The leukocyte count, however, decreased in the vegetarians irrespective of the clinical results. Thus, the decline in leukocyte count may be attributed to vegetarian diet per se and not to the reduction in disease activity. The results of the present study are in accordance with the findings from the clinical trial, namely that dietary treatment can reduce the disease activity in some patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Controlled trial of fasting and one-year vegetarian diet in rheumatoid arthritis.
Lancet. 1991 Oct 12;338(8772):899-902.
Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Haugen M, Borchgrevink CF, Laerum E, Eek M, Mowinkel P, Hovi K, Forre O.
Department of General Practice, University of Oslo, Norway.

Fasting is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, but most patients relapse on reintroduction of food. The effect of fasting followed by one year of a vegetarian diet was assessed in a randomised, single-blind controlled trial. 27 patients were allocated to a four-week stay at a health farm. After an initial 7-10 day subtotal fast, they were put on an individually adjusted gluten-free vegan diet for 3.5 months. The food was then gradually changed to a lactovegetarian diet for the remainder of the study. A control group of 26 patients stayed for four weeks at a convalescent home, but ate an ordinary diet throughout the whole study period. After four weeks at the health farm the diet group showed a significant improvement in number of tender joints, Ritchie's articular index, number of swollen joints, pain score, duration of morning stiffness, grip strength, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, white blood cell count, and a health assessment questionnaire score. In the control group, only pain score improved score. In the control group, only pain score improved significantly. The benefits in the diet group were still present after one year, and evaluation of the whole course showed significant advantages for the diet group in all measured indices. This dietary regimen seems to be a useful supplement to conventional medical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or fibromyalgia (FM)
BMC Complement Altern Med. 2005 Dec 22;5:22
Mediterranean diet or extended fasting's influence on changing the intestinal microflora, immunoglobulin A secretion and clinical outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia: an observational study.
Michalsen A, Riegert M, Ludtke R, Backer M, Langhorst J, Schwickert M, Dobos GJ.
Kliniken Essen-Mitte, Department of Internal and Integrative Medicine, University Duisburg-Essen, am Deimelsberg 34a, 45276 Essen, Germany. .

BACKGROUND: Alterations in the intestinal bacterial flora are believed to be contributing factors to many chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases including rheumatic diseases. While microbiological fecal culture analysis is now increasingly used, little is known about the relationship of changes in intestinal flora, dietary patterns and clinical outcome in specific diseases. To clarify the role of microbiological culture analysis we aimed to evaluate whether in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or fibromyalgia (FM) a Mediterranean diet or an 8-day fasting period are associated with changes in fecal flora and whether changes in fecal flora are associated with clinical outcome. METHODS: During a two-months-period 51 consecutive patients from an Integrative Medicine hospital department with an established diagnosis of RA (n = 16) or FM (n = 35) were included in the study. According to predefined clinical criteria and the subjects' choice the patients received a mostly vegetarian Mediterranean diet (n = 21; mean age 50.9 +/-13.3 y) or participated in an intermittent modified 8-day fasting therapy (n = 30; mean age 53.7 +/- 9.4 y). Quantitative aerob and anaerob bacterial flora, stool pH and concentrations of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) were analysed from stool samples at the beginning, at the end of the 2-week hospital stay and at a 3-months follow-up. Clinical outcome was assessed with the DAS 28 for RA patients and with a disease severity rating scale in FM patients. RESULTS: We found no significant changes in the fecal bacterial counts following the two dietary interventions within and between groups, nor were significant differences found in the analysis of sIgA and stool ph. Clinical improvement at the end of the hospital stay tended to be greater in fasting vs. non-fasting patients with RA (p = 0.09). Clinical outcome was not related to alterations in the intestinal flora. CONCLUSION: Neither Mediterranean diet nor fasting treatments affect the microbiologically assessed intestinal flora and sIgA levels in patients with RA and FM. The impact of dietary interventions on the human intestinal flora and the role of the fecal flora in rheumatic diseases have to be clarified with newer molecular analysis techniques. The potential benefit of fasting treatment in RA and FM should be further tested in randomised trials.

Сообщение11.06.2008, 04:41 

С особой гордостью за русскую медицину и нашу медицинскую литературу делаю ссылки на лечение бронхиальной астмы методом лечебного голодания.
Все иностранные авторы ссылаются на работы наших врачей, фамилии которых известны.
According to Dr. Fuhrman’s observations ( Dr. Joel Fuhrman M.D."Fasting and Eating for Health", St. Martin’s Griffin, New York, 1995) the more severe the asthma and the greater the dependency on medication, the longer it takes to archive a recovery when we apply natural methods. He have found that a long fast, or sometimes two fasts with impeccable dietary habits in between, is usually essential for the resolution when the patient has been dependent on multiple medications for many years. The beneficial effects of fasting in asthmatics have been well documented in the Russian medical literature. Their clinical trials illustrated that more than 75 percent of patients had greatly improved conditions or never had symptoms of asthma again after fasting.
В книге «Голодание и пища для здоровья», Joel Fuhrman, НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 1995, пишет, что эффективность лечебного голодания при бронхиальной астме хорошо иллюстрируется в Русской медицинской литературе. Клинические испытания показали, что более, чем в 75 процентах случаев происходит существенное улучшение состояния или полное исчезновение бронхиальной астмы после лечебного голодания. Ссылки на русские! литературные источники на английском языке, думаю, в переводах не нуждаются! Наоборот, нужно было бы найти эти статьи на русском.
Effectiveness of short courses of fasting in pre-asthma and asthma patients
[Article in Ukrainian].
Lik Sprava 2002 Apr-Jun;(3-4):79-81.
Asthma Klin Med (Mosk) 1991 Apr;69(4):54-6.
Dzhugostran VIa; Niamtsu ET; Zlepka VD; Marchenko IuG.
Ter Arkh. 1991;63(3):100-3. [Article in Russian].
Kokosov AN, Osinin SG, Faustova ME.
Use of controlled therapeutic fasting in bronchial asthma.
Adravookhr Belorus 1979; 0 (9): 55-58.
Gorbachev VV, Sytyi VP, Sizova EP, Vasnev VI, Boyarintseva AV.
Нашел ссылку на книгу "Fasting and Eating for Health":
http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwo ... 0A%20Medic al%20Doctor's%20Program%20for%20Conquering%20Disea se
Fasting-And Eating-For Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease. by Joel Fuhrman, John A McDougall
About this title: This is not another diet book but a systematic approach to therapeutic fasting for health and healing. Dr. Furhman has created a career out of helping people learn how to fast and to benefit from the effects of a healthy, life-enhancing diet. Common maladies such as obesity, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis, to name just a few, are all positively affected by short, controlled fasts. Dr. Furhman is clear that no fast should last longer than three days without a physician's supervision and gives sound nutritional advice for beginning and breaking a fast.
Голодание и пища для здоровья. Это - не новая кулинарная книга, а методическое пособие по лечебному голоданию для профилактики и лечения. Такие заболевания, как ожирение, бронхиальная астма, ревматоидный артрит и псориаз быстро и эффективно контролируются голоданием.
Эта книга или нет, но очень много восторженных отзывов.
Есть ли на русском языке? Там еще много хороших книг. Имел ли кто опыт заказа книг из-за рубежа, какие формы оплаты и как они доходят? Можно предложить зарубежным товарищам, у кого есть эта книга частями выкладывать и переводить, если там есть что-нибудь кроме цитат работ наших исследователей!

Сообщение21.06.2008, 16:26 

A case of obesity, diabetes and hypertension treated with very low calorie diet (VLCD) followed by successful pregnancy with intrauterine insemination (IUI).
Endocr J 2000 Dec;47(6):787-91.
Katsuki A, Sumida Y, Ito K, Murashima S, Gabazza EC, Furuta M, Yano Y, Sugiyama T, Toyoda N, Adachi Y.
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan.
The patient was a 32-year-old obese woman with a history of type 2 diabetes and hypertension for 6 years. Although she was treated with antihypertensive agents and intensive insulin therapy, her hyperglycemia was difficult to control. She wanted to have a baby but pregnancy was not recommended because her diabetes was under poor control and the use of antihypertensive medication. To achieve good control of obesity, diabetes and hypertension, she was admitted to our clinical department for weight reduction using very low calorie diet (VLCD). During VLCD she had a 19.8 kg reduction in body weight and her blood glucose and blood pressure were in good control without the use of drugs. Five months later, she became pregnant after the fourth trial of intrauterine insemination (IUI) and gave birth to a female baby under insulin therapy. This is the first report that showed the usefulness of VLCD for prepregnant control of glucose metabolism and blood pressure in an obese hypertensive patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Rejuvenating effects of 10-week underfeeding period on estrous cycles in young and old rats.
Neurobiol Aging 1987 May-Jun;8(3):225-32.
Quigley K; Goya R; Meites J.
The effects of providing 50% of normal feed intake for 10 weeks followed by 16 weeks of ad lib feeding on estrous cycles and mammary tumor incidence were studied in female rats initially 4 months and 15-16 months old. Initially all young rats exhibited regular or irregular estrous cycles and only about 41% of the older rats cycled regularly or irregularly; the remainder of the older rats did not cycle. During underfeeding, both the young and older rats lost body weight and ceased to cycle. After refeeding 100% of both young and old rats resumed cycling, the young rats for a much longer period than the old rats, and more of both groups continued to cycle than their ad lib-fed controls. Upon refeeding, the young and old rats reached the body weights of the ad lib-fed controls in about 3 weeks. Mammary tumors were initially present only in old rats and regressed during underfeeding; they rapidly reached control size upon refeeding. Plasma PRL levels declined during underfeeding but rebounded to higher than control values upon refeeding in both young and old rats. In young but not in old rats, plasma LH levels fell during underfeeding but returned to control values upon refeeding. These results demonstrate that a relatively short period of underfeeding, followed by refeeding, can delay the decline in reproductive cycles in young rats and reinitiate estrous cycles in older rats. These effects appear to be mediated via the neuroendocrine system.

Сообщение26.06.2008, 10:53 

Ожившая еда:

Сообщение04.07.2008, 12:03 

Что такое лечебное голодание или, как его еще называют, разгрузочно-диетическая терапия, что происходит в организме при голодании и почему благодаря этому методу можно избавиться практически от любого заболевания внутренних органов, как правильно выходить из голодания? Обо всем этом рассказывает доктор медицинских наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник НИИ пульмонологии Санкт-Петербургского научного университета им. И. П. Павлова Алексей Кокосов.
Голоданию - зеленая улица.
Лечебным голоданием я занимаюсь уже около 30 лет. С того самого времени, когда московский профессор-психиатр Юрий Сергеевич Николаев установил, что дозированное лечебное голодание, позже это стало называться разгрузочно-диетическая терапия, помогает не только при психических заболеваниях, но и при заболеваниях ряда внутренних органов. В том числе при бронхиальной астме. Тогда, 30 лет назад, бронхиальная астма входила в ранг социально значимых болезней. А опыт Николаева показывал, что в отдельных случаях голодание помогает при бронхиальной астме. Минздрав дал задание нашему институту разобраться, так ли это, и, если действительно помогает, сделать методические рекомендации и внедрить в практику. Поручили эту работу мне. Я познакомился с Николаевым, и мы, засучив рукава, принялись за работу. Пошли классическим путем: исследовали больных на определенных этапах голодания и делали клинико-лабораторные срезы. В результате мы вникли в суть того, что происходит в организме при голодании и почему этот метод помогает. Я направил в Министерство здравоохранения положительные рекомендации, после чего методу лечебного голодания была дана в Союзе зеленая улица.

Сообщение09.07.2008, 14:23 
Аватара пользователя

Хорошо если человек занимается лечебным голоданием под наблюдением врача, а сколько людей берут рецепты диет и голоданий в интернете на неквалифицированных сайтах. Сколько случаев уже было ,что человек только вред себе наносил такими вот диетами. Я лично против голодания в целом. Потому как считаю, что это неестественно для организма человека и наносит колоссальный стресс не только самому организму в физическом плане, но и наносит вред психике. Если уже есть желание хорошо выглядеть, то надо следить за собой и своим питанием постоянно, а не только во время голоданий и диет. Я считаю, что залогом хорошего здоровья является правильно организованный рацион питания.

Сообщение17.07.2008, 22:30 

По моему мнению, многие диеты вредны для здоровья. Наши организмы настолько индивидуальны, что подобрать один универсальный рацион для каждого человека не возможно. Я бы посоветовал вам, прислушиваться к желаниям своего организма, ведь если организм хочет есть, значит, ему чего-то не хватает.

Сообщение10.08.2008, 09:02 

Studies on the Fundamental Theory of Bigu (Food Abstinence)—Preliminary Experimental Observations of Cellular Bigu.
Xin Yan. Chongqing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine/New Medicine Science Research Institute.
Alexis Traynor-Kaplan. School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego.
Hongmei Li. UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
Jun Wang. New Medicine Science Research Institute.
Hua Shen. New Medicine Science Research Institute.
Zhen-Qin Xia. School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Clinical studies as well as hundreds of case reportshave indicated that Yan Xin Life Science Technologyhas enabled human participants to live a normal lifewith little or no food intake for prolonged periods—astate referred to as bigu. Bigu is described in historicalrecords as "taking in qi to avoid food," and is regardedas a special technique to achieve along and healthylife. In this study, experiments were designed to studywhether cells in vitro can survive without commonlyacknowledged essential nutrients after receiving externalqi treatments from Dr.Yan Xin, a chief physicianand a renowned life scientist. Results reported here indicatethat mouse hybridoma cells can survive inDulbeco's modified Eagles medium without serum orin phosphate-buffered saline buffer without other nutrientingredients after qi treatment. These results arethe first evidence that a cellular equivalent of the humanbigu phenomenon or cellular bigu phenomenonmay occur.
Вопрос к забугорным товарищам - существуют ли на самом деле те учреждения, в которых написана статья?

Сообщение11.09.2008, 06:27 

J Natl Cancer Inst. 1996 Mar 20;88(6):340-8.
Premenopausal breast cancer risk and intake of vegetables, fruits, and related nutrients.
Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, Vena JE, Laughlin R, Brasure JR, Swanson MK, Nemoto T, Graham S.
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo 14214 USA.
BACKGROUND: Given the international variations in breast cancer incidence rates and the changes in breast cancer incidence among migrant populations, it has been hypothesized that diet is a factor influencing risk of this disease. Many studies indicate that a diet high in vegetables and fruits may protect against breast cancer. PURPOSE: We conducted a case-control study of diet, including the intake of non-food supplements, and premenopausal breast cancer risk. We evaluated in detail usual intake of vegetables and fruits (each measured as the total reported grams consumed for all queried vegetables and fruit), vitamins C and E, folic acid, individual carotenoids, and dietary fiber with its components. METHODS: Case patients (n=297) were identified through pathology records from hospitals in Erie and Niagara counties in western New York. They consisted of premenopausal women 40 years of age or oder who were diagnosed with breast cancer from November 1986 through April 1991. Control subjects (n=311), frequency-matched to case patients on the basis of age and county of residence, were randomly selected from New York State Department of Motor Vehicles records. In-person interviews included detailed reports of usual diet in the period 2 years before the interview. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: There was a reduction in risk associated with high intake of several nutrients. With the lowest quartile of intake as the referent, adjusted ORs for the highest quartile of intake for specific nutrients were as follows: vitamin C (OR=0.53; 95% CI=0.33-0.86), alpha-tocopheral (OR=0.55; 95% CI=0.34-0.88), folic acid (OR=0.50; 95% CI=0.31-0.82), alpha-carotene (OR=0.67; 95% CI=0.42-1.08) and beta-carotene (OR=0.46; 95% CI=0.28-0.74), lutein + zeaxanthin (OR=0.47; 95% CI=0.28.0-77), and dietary fiber from vegetables and fruits (OR=0.48; 95% CI=0.30-0.78). No association with risk was found for beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, or grain fiber. Fruits were weakly associated with a reduction in risk (fourth quartile OR=0.67; 95% CI=0.42-1.09). No association was found between breast cancer risk and intake of vitamins C and E and folic acid taken as supplements. A strong inverse association between total vegetable intake and risk was observed (fourth quartile OR=0.46; 95% CI=0.28-0.74). This inverse association was found to be independent of vitamin C,alpha-tocopherol, folic acid, dietary fiber, and alpha-carotene.Adjusting for beta-carotene or lutein + zeaxanthin somewhat attenuated the inverse association with vegetable intake. CONCLUSIONS: In this population, intake of vegetables appears to decrease premenopausal breast cancer risk. This effect may be related, in part, to beta-carotene and lutein + zeaxanthin in vegetables. It appears, however, that, of the nutrients and food components examined, no single dietary factor explains the effect. Evaluated components found together in vegetables may have a synergistic effect on breast cancer risk; alternatively, other unmeasured factors in these foods may also influence risk.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8609 ... rom=pubmed

Добавлено спустя 2 часа 58 минут 25 секунд:

Public Health Nutr. 2001 Oct;4.
Food habits of young Swedish and Norwegian vegetarians and omnivores.
Larsson CL, Klock KS, Astrøm AN, Haugejorden O, Johansson G.
Department of Food and Nutrition, Umeå University, Sweden. christel.larsson@kost.umu.se.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of vegetarianism and compare food habits among vegetarian and omnivorous adolescents in Sweden and Norway. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study by questionnaire in Sweden and Norway to gather information about food habits. SETTING: The municipalities of Umeå and Stockholm in Sweden, and Bergen in Norway. SUBJECTS: In total 2041 ninth-grade students (578 from Umeå, 504 from Stockholm and 959 from Bergen), mean age 15.5 years, were included. The response rate was 95% in Umeå, 91% in Stockholm and 83% in Bergen. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher prevalence of vegetarianism in Umeå (15.6%) than in Stockholm (4.8%) and Bergen (3.8%). Vegetarians generally wanted more information about a healthy diet and vegetarian females ate dietary supplements to prevent deficiencies more often than omnivorous females (P < 0.01). The young male vegetarians more or less excluded animal products from their diet without changing their food frequency intake or modifying their dietary habits in other respects, while the young female vegetarians more often consumed vegetables and dietary supplements (P < 0.05). However, there was no difference between the intake of fruits/berries, alcoholic beverages, ice cream, sweets/chocolates and fast foods by vegetarians compared with omnivores. CONCLUSIONS: There were three to four times more vegetarians in Umeå than in Stockholm and Bergen. The food habits of the young vegetarians differed from those of omnivorous adolescents and also in some respects from previously published comparative studies of vegetarians' and omnivores' food habits. It is uncertain whether the health benefits shown in previous studies on vegetarianism will be experienced by this young generation of vegetarians.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1178 ... rom=pubmed

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 6 секунд:

Int J Cancer. 2007 Aug 15.
Salad vegetables dietary pattern protects against HER-2-positive breast cancer: a prospective Italian study.
Sant M, Allemani C, Sieri S, Krogh V, Menard S, Tagliabue E, Nardini E, Micheli A, Crosignani P, Muti P, Berrino F.
Department of Preventive and Predictive Medicine, Unit of Etiological Epidemiology and Prevention, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy. milena.sant@istitutotumori.mi.it
Studies investigating the relation of diet to breast cancer have produced conflicting results. We hypothesized that dietary factors associated with breast cancer risk might differentially influence the HER-2 status of the cancers that develop, and investigated this hypothesis by analyzing the data of the ORDET prospective study. We analyzed 8,861 volunteer women residents of the Varese Province, Italy, for whom we had full data. By December 31, 2001, 238 cases had occurred in which HER-2 status was known. Four dietary patterns had been identified previously by factor analysis: salad vegetables (high consumption of raw vegetables and olive oil), prudent (cooked vegetables, poultry, fish), western (potatoes, meat, eggs, butter), and canteen (pasta, tomato sauce, wine). In our study, relative risks (RRs) of developing HER-2-positive and HER-2-negative breast cancers by tertiles of dietary pattern factor scores were assessed by multinomial logistic regression. The salad vegetables dietary pattern had a protective effect against HER-2-positive cancers (RR = 0.25, 95% CI 0.10-0.64, for the highest tertile; p(trend) = 0.001), much stronger than for HER-2-negative cancers (p(heterogeneity) = 0.039). This important finding that a salad vegetables dietary pattern protects mainly against a specific breast cancer subtype indicates that future studies on environmental/dietary risk factors should explicitly take account of the heterogeneity of breast cancer phenotypes.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1745 ... d_RVDocSum

Explore (NY). 2005 Jul;1.
Attitudes, practices, and beliefs of individuals consuming a raw foods diet.
Hobbs SH.
Department of Health Policy and Administration, School of Public Health, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. suzanne_havalahobbs@unc.edu
OBJECTIVE: Describe dietary practices of U.S. raw foods leaders, examine diet rationale, attitudes and health practices of raw foodists. DESIGN: Nonexperimental, descriptive, using semistructured qualitative interview data. PARTICIPANTS: Purposeful (nonrandom) sample of 17 U.S. raw foods leaders, including 11 males and 6 females. Leaders were targeted to provide insights into practices modeled for larger community. PHENOMENA OF INTEREST: Attitudes, practices, and beliefs of individuals consuming a raw foods diet. ANALYSIS: Text analysis and simple descriptive statistics. RESULTS: Subjects averaged 13 years on the diet (range: 3-32 years). Twelve subjects reported a diet at least 85% raw. All diets were primarily vegan. Primary constituents included fruits and juices, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and vegetable fats. Subjects consumed no dairy, eggs, meat, fish, poultry, commercial sweets or alcohol in a typical week. Only one subject used a commercial, nonfood-based supplement weekly (vitamin B12). Six subjects consumed food-based supplements, and remainder used no supplements at all. On average, subjects met or exceeded recommended intakes of vegetables, fruits, and fats and did not meet recommendations for calcium-rich foods, protein-rich foods, and grains. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Those counseling raw foodists must understand the rationale and practices that characterize this eating style. Further research is needed on larger populations to validate findings and determine the extent to which reported health benefits may compare to those from other vegetarian diets. Further studies should examine food-handling and preparation practices in relation to food safety and raw produce.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1678 ... d_RVDocSum

Сообщение11.09.2008, 07:12 

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