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 Образование в России
Сообщение14.03.2017, 15:10 

I am moving from Jordan to Russia for study. Some people told me the education in Russia also relies on side payments to teachers. I am not very rich so I cannot afford buying a lot of gifts for professors. Can you please tell me if that is the case and whether this is a problem I will face if I do not have a lot of money?

Thank you very much.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 15:27 
Заслуженный участник
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There is no education in Russia. Sertificates and diplomas are granted just for attending lessons.

You can study with private tutors. Sure, for money. Often, these tutors are the same teachers and professors working on the side.

Direct gifts and payments are relatively rare, you can avoid them while choosing the college and department.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 15:36 

Munin в сообщении #1200277 писал(а):
There is no education in Russia. Sertificates and diplomas are granted just for attending lessons.

You can study with private tutors. Sure, for money. Often, these tutors are the same teachers and professors working on the side.

Direct gifts and payments are relatively rare, you can avoid them while choosing the colledge and department.

Спасибо. Can you please tell me which universities or departments are free of these things? Or how I can find out? Also I was wondering, is this the same in schools before university? Like highschool? Because my sister is in grade 10 (16 years) and I was wondering if it is the same.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 15:44 
Заслуженный участник

ayashay в сообщении #1200267 писал(а):
Some people told me the education in Russia also relies on side payments to teachers.
In most of the places, you can avoid unnecessary payments if you learn well enough. Additional payments is "an option" for lazy students (i. e. corruption). There are some "universities", where it is not possible to avoid such payments, but if you are in such place, you just waste your time.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 16:38 
Заслуженный участник
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ayashay в сообщении #1200281 писал(а):
Or how I can find out?

Search the Net for people studying and working in the particular place you're interested in. Read what they tell. Ask them directly (maybe in private).

ayashay в сообщении #1200281 писал(а):
Also I was wondering, is this the same in schools before university? Like highschool?

About the same.
Though you have to pass "ЕГЭ" (Unified State Exam) after school with good points, to enter a good college. (Most colleges in Russia are not universities, they are professional colleges.) That is achievable mostly by means of elite schools and private tutors. In usual school, no one will push you towards knowledge.

rockclimber в сообщении #1200283 писал(а):
In most of the places, you can avoid unnecessary payments if you learn well enough.

In most places, just following the curriculum is not enough. You have to half self-educate or study with tutors.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 19:11 


Если иностранец приезжает в Россию, то по-моему он должен платить за учебу. Я не понял, ТС нахаляву что ли собирается тут учиться? Неважно израильтянин ты или юаровец) Исключений тут немного, например, чувак умный. А деньги у нас любят брать с дураков и/или за откос от учебы! Если хочешь реально учиться - все нормально будет.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 20:04 

TS, stop trolling us here, I have no idea what a student from "the West" (politically Jordan is) might be seeking here in Russia? ) You said you have no great deal of money, so you can't live and learn in the USA/the UK/France as its typical amongst your elite, but why choosing an asshole the higher education in Russia is, in generally? Though it can be no argument with some great universities are situated in Moskow, SPb and somewhere more, its obviously not like education there is cheap if its not state-paid cause of your academic acievements. Unfortunately, I have no sence in the humanities education in Russia, particularly (you started your topic here in humanities section). Try asking more. Well, I know a place I definitely say is popular among the foreign students. That's the Institute of International Educational Programmes at the SPbSTU in SPb. The one I study at (at university itself, not at IIEP, as I'm Russian). ) I have no information about the quality of education there, though. )
P. S. My elder forum visitors, please, correct my English if you see a mistake.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 20:52 

г. Чехов
Извините за мой французский:
I'm not recommend make gifts for tutors. It's danger of expulsion from university, tutor may be principled in matters of corruption.

Lazy student must know tutor's psychology for making gifts or payments. Foreign student can't know that things about russians.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 21:22 
Админ форума
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Buzz-buzz в сообщении #1200376 писал(а):
but why choosing an asshole the higher education in Russia is
 !  Buzz-buzz, предупреждение за использование лексики, неприемлемой на научном форуме.

 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение14.03.2017, 23:06 

Buzz-buzz в сообщении #1200376 писал(а):
TS, stop trolling us here, I have no idea what a student from "the West" (politically Jordan is) might be seeking here in Russia? ) You said you have no great deal of money, so you can't live and learn in the USA/the UK/France as its typical amongst your elite, but why choosing an asshole the higher education in Russia is, in generally? Though it can be no argument with some great universities are situated in Moskow, SPb and somewhere more, its obviously not like education there is cheap if its not state-paid cause of your academic acievements. Unfortunately, I have no sence in the humanities education in Russia, particularly (you started your topic here in humanities section). Try asking more. Well, I know a place I definitely say is popular among the foreign students. That's the Institute of International Educational Programmes at the SPbSTU in SPb. The one I study at (at university itself, not at IIEP, as I'm Russian). ) I have no information about the quality of education there, though. )
P. S. My elder forum visitors, please, correct my English if you see a mistake.

Sorry? Jordan is in the Middle East so i am confused. I am not elite. My parents is moving to Russia because my dad is an engineer for work.

 Re: Образование в России
Сообщение15.03.2017, 00:52 
Заслуженный участник

For information

Additional payment is not required. That's against the law.

 Re: Образование в России
Сообщение15.03.2017, 07:06 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

Снаружи ускорителя
ayashay в сообщении #1200433 писал(а):
Sorry? Jordan is in the Middle East so i am confused. I am not elite.

You could try to state Your interests in higher education, 'cause if You will choose to study Science, Mathematics, CS or maybe Engeneering, then You'll be free of gifts and bribes for sure. If You will choose Medicine, Economics, Social Sciences or Engeneering, then You should be careful with the University that You're choosing, 'cause some of them are really corrupted. And if You want to study Humanities or Sociology in Russia, then You should know, that it's a really bad idea. :lol:

Besides, the best Universities in different areas of study are located in a few major cities in Russia, such as Moscow, Saint Petersburg (SpB), Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Tomsk and a few more. Some of them are really far from the city You are going to move to. Therefore You should be aware of such things as the tuition fees, rental fee, cost of tickets and so on, when You'll be choosing the University. :wink:

For example, the tution fee for bachelor Physics programm in Tomsk State University is 94680 rubles (approx. 1600 USD), while in Moscow State University it is 325000 rubles (approx. 5500 USD). And the cost of living in Moscow is significantly higher, than in Tomsk.


 Re: Образование в россии
Сообщение15.03.2017, 19:08 

Toucan в сообщении #1200404 писал(а):
Buzz-buzz в сообщении #1200376 писал(а):
but why choosing an asshole the higher education in Russia is
 !  Buzz-buzz, предупреждение за использование лексики, неприемлемой на научном форуме.

Господи, вы лучший админ, даже за ругательство на английском! Так держать, везде бы были взрослые ответственные люди, другие бы интернет-площадки не превращались в сборище непойми кого...

 Re: Образование в России
Сообщение15.03.2017, 19:59 
Заслуженный участник



 Re: Образование в России
Сообщение19.03.2017, 09:38 

г. Уфа
Munin в сообщении #1200277 писал(а):
There is no education in Russia. Sertificates and diplomas are granted just for attending lessons.
Кто виноват, что мы дожили до жизни такой?

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