Пересчёт голосов, инициированный партией Зелёных сослужил плохую службу Демократам. В Детройте, который подавляющим большинством проголосовал за Клинтон, в 20 округах обнаружились странные факты. Например такой:
the discovery of a polling place where 300 people voted but only 50 ballots were properly sealed in a container.Цитата:
Since learning of the issue last week during Michigan's presidential recount, state officials have learned of similar "significant mismatch" problems at roughly 20 of Detroit's 490 precincts, said Fred Woodhams, a spokesman for Republican Secretary of State Ruth Johnson.
It is not uncommon for there to be slight inconsistencies, typically due to human error. "But when there's a significant mismatch, that's especially concerning," Woodhams said.