\draw [thick] (-4,1.2)..controls (-2,.5) and (-1,1.5).. (0,1.5)..controls (1,1.5) and (2,.5)..(4,1.2);
\filldraw [gray] (-4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
\draw [very thick] (-4,-1.2)..controls (-2,-1) ..(-1.5,-2);
\draw [very thick] (4,-1.2)..controls (2,-1) ..(1.5,-2);
\draw [very thick] (-.8,0) arc (75:105:2.5);
\draw [very thick] (2.5,0) arc (75:105:2.5);
\draw (2.3,0) arc (-60:-120:.8);
\draw (-1.1,0) arc (-60:-120:.8);
\draw [thick,red] (1.2,-1) arc (-70:-110:2.8);
\draw [thick,red] (1,-1) arc (72:108:2.5);
\draw [thick] (.2,.0) ..controls (0,-.5).. (0.2,-.5);
\draw [thick] (.2,.0) ..controls (.4,-.5).. (.2,-.5);
\node at (0,-2.5) {Your friendly domain with hyperbolic cusps};
\clip (-4,-1.2) rectangle (4.6,1.2);
\draw [very thick] (-4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
%\clip (4,-1.2) rectangle (4.6,1.2);
\draw[very thick] (4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
\draw [thick] (-4,1.2)..controls (-2,.5) and (-1,1.5).. (0,1.5)..controls (1,1.5) and (2,.5)..(4,1.2);
\filldraw [gray] (-4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
\draw [very thick] (-4,-1.2)..controls (-2,-1) ..(-1.5,-2);
\draw [very thick] (4,-1.2)..controls (2,-1) ..(1.5,-2);
\draw [very thick] (-.8,0) arc (75:105:2.5);
\draw [very thick] (2.5,0) arc (75:105:2.5);
\draw (2.3,0) arc (-60:-120:.8);
\draw (-1.1,0) arc (-60:-120:.8);
\draw [thick,red] (1.2,-1) arc (-70:-110:2.8);
\draw [thick,red] (1,-1) arc (72:108:2.5);
\draw [thick] (.2,.0) ..controls (0,-.5).. (0.2,-.5);
\draw [thick] (.2,.0) ..controls (.4,-.5).. (.2,-.5);
\node at (0,-2.5) {Your friendly domain with hyperbolic cusps};
\clip (-4,-1.2) rectangle (4.6,1.2);
\draw [very thick] (-4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
%\clip (4,-1.2) rectangle (4.6,1.2);
\draw[very thick] (4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
\end{tikzpicture}$ $\begin{tikzpicture}
\draw [thick] (-4,1.2)..controls (-2,.5) and (-1,1.5).. (0,1.5)..controls (1,1.5) and (2,.5)..(4,1.2);
\filldraw [gray] (-4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
\draw [very thick] (-4,-1.2)..controls (-2,-1) ..(-1.5,-2);
\draw [very thick] (4,-1.2)..controls (2,-1) ..(1.5,-2);
\draw [very thick] (-.8,0) arc (75:105:2.5);
\draw [very thick] (2.5,0) arc (75:105:2.5);
\draw (2.3,0) arc (-60:-120:.8);
\draw (-1.1,0) arc (-60:-120:.8);
\draw [thick,red] (1.2,-1) arc (-70:-110:2.8);
\draw [thick,red] (1,-1) arc (72:108:2.5);
\draw [thick] (.2,.0) ..controls (0,-.5).. (0.2,-.5);
\draw [thick] (.2,.0) ..controls (.4,-.5).. (.2,-.5);
\node at (0,-2.5) {Your friendly domain with hyperbolic cusps};
\clip (-4,-1.2) rectangle (4.6,1.2);
\draw [very thick] (-4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);
%\clip (4,-1.2) rectangle (4.6,1.2);
\draw[very thick] (4,0) ellipse (.5 and 1.2);