m441 |
gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  05.10.2013, 20:06 |
03/09/13 85 France
When a bubble of air move up in water (on Earth), Earth move in the other direction ?
Munin |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  05.10.2013, 20:42 |
Заслуженный участник |
30/01/06 72407
вздымщик Цыпа |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  05.10.2013, 21:44 |
12/09/08 ∞ 2262
Yes. Разве? Если пузырь воздуха движется вверх, то равный ему объем воды движется вниз. Вес воды больше веса пузыря, значит Земля должна двигаться навстречу воде и в направлении движения пузыря. Нет?
Munin |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  05.10.2013, 22:04 |
Заслуженный участник |
30/01/06 72407
You're right. Of course, Earth moves in the same direction!
m441 |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 00:59 |
03/09/13 85 France
and the center of gravity move or not ?
Munin |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 05:00 |
Заслуженный участник |
30/01/06 72407
What is the center of gravity in this context? The center of mass (of Earth + water + bubble) does not move.
m441 |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 09:36 |
03/09/13 85 France
Последний раз редактировалось m441 06.10.2013, 10:32, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Ok, but there is something I don't understand.
New case: On Earth with gravity. I take a column with liquid inside. At top, there is a vacuum object. A system fixed to the column move down the vacuum object. The vaccum object move down, the column move up, the cycle can be repeat because I don't move up vacuum object, so I think the column (with liquid inside) can move up. I never move out vacuum object, I repeat cycle with bottom water.
I know it's not possible so what's another force I forget ?
m441 |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 10:42 |
03/09/13 85 France
i add image 
Munin |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 11:08 |
Заслуженный участник |
30/01/06 72407
Последний раз редактировалось Munin 06.10.2013, 11:10, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
...so what's another force I forget ? Buoyant force? :-) -- 06.10.2013 12:10:05 --(The work against the buoyant force is exactly the same as to move the whole column of water up to the difference of heights.)
m441 |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 11:22 |
03/09/13 85 France
Последний раз редактировалось m441 06.10.2013, 11:45, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
I don't know. Take a column of water of 10 kg, the vacuum object is 1 liter, the weight of the system is always 10 kg. This object has an acceleration of 9.81 m/s². If I move vacuum object with an acceleration greater than 10 m/s² why column would move down ?
Munin |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 11:40 |
Заслуженный участник |
30/01/06 72407
If I move down vacuum object, liquid move up Yes again.
m441 |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 11:46 |
03/09/13 85 France
Последний раз редактировалось m441 06.10.2013, 12:15, всего редактировалось 3 раз(а).
sorry, I changed my last message:
Take a column of water of 10 kg, the vacuum object is 1 liter, the weight of the system is always 10 kg. This object has an acceleration of 9.81 m/s². If I move vacuum object with an acceleration greater than 10 m/s² (in fact I think greater than 100m/s² because vacuum object represent 10% of the volume) why column would move down ?
Munin |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 13:21 |
Заслуженный участник |
30/01/06 72407
Accelerations? I thought you are considering the system on the surface of Earth.
m441 |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 13:30 |
03/09/13 85 France
yes, the study is on Earth. But I use a spring for example for move down the vacuum object. The spring is attached at one part on column and another part to vacuum object. 
Munin |
Re: gravity, vacuum and sum of forces  06.10.2013, 14:02 |
Заслуженный участник |
30/01/06 72407
It is easier to consider just works and energy, and not particular motions. If something is accelerated, it should be slown down. Better think of applying the force just enough to drown the object, without any acceleration, and of motion slow enough to neglect accelerations ang kinetic energy.
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