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 Centrifugal forces and pressure
Сообщение06.09.2013, 13:21 
Аватара пользователя


I would like to know what's wrong in my reasoning. A cylinder is composed of solid (half part) and a lot of compressible balls (half part). Balls are considered like perfect, no friction, etc, it's a theorical problem. The cylinder turn at constant speed W rd/s. Density is homogenous everywhere, like that we can say all centrifugal forces cancel themselves. Now, I'm interesting about the local pressure due at balls, like centrifugal increase with radius I "watch" red forces Fs1 and Fs2, and this would say there is a back force Fb in each ball. Like balls are present only at half cylinder, this would say the sum of force is not zero. Where I'm wrong ?


 Re: Centrifugal forces and pressure
Сообщение06.09.2013, 14:06 

m441 в сообщении #761029 писал(а):
this would say the sum of force is not zero

Sum of forces acting on what?

 Re: Centrifugal forces and pressure
Сообщение06.09.2013, 14:52 
Аватара пользователя

All the system, sure it must to 0 but I don't understand how. And I see another forces of pressure from balls to black solid.

 Re: Centrifugal forces and pressure
Сообщение06.09.2013, 18:01 
Аватара пользователя

it's ok, I understood, all forces are compensated by side pressure :)

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