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 my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение24.05.2013, 20:20 

it comes to my mind when riding the bike...
shortly,i think that the earth acts like a gyroscope in his rotation and this spinning is the cause of gravity...
objects initially resist to the counterclockwise earth drag with their inertial mass and produce friction,but they follow this move nevertheless...
because the inertial moment conserve (phisics law),the earth reacts(newton 3td law) with a force directed to his center,perpendicular on the rotational plane which is the WEIGHT...
pls tell me if i`m mecanicaly wrong and where...
don`t tell me about relativity,light speed and so on,because they don`t exist on earth

 i  Закрыта и перенесена в Пургаторий (Ф) как бессодержательная тема
/ GAA, 02.06.13

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение24.05.2013, 20:24 

another one :mrgreen:

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение24.05.2013, 21:41 
Заслуженный участник

Совет: карявый руский лутше карявово английсково.

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение24.05.2013, 22:08 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

nicolainicu2010 в сообщении #727939 писал(а):
pls tell me if i`m mecanicaly wrong and where...

By your idea, polar bears would fly at the North Pole of the Earth, since it does not move there, and hence does not drag anything.

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение25.05.2013, 00:43 

nicolainicu2010 в сообщении #727939 писал(а):
it comes to my mind when riding the bike...

wear a helmet, when riding

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение25.05.2013, 08:35 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

If only a helmet would prevent from getting weird ideas...

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение25.05.2013, 09:27 

Munin в сообщении #728093 писал(а):
If only a helmet would prevent from getting weird ideas...

Any helmet prevents head injuries when riding.

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение25.05.2013, 11:47 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя


 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение25.05.2013, 15:05 

and this ideea came to me just when my helmet fell off...why?(pls.comment)
mr munin,the N and S poles turn with the earth,which is a compact ball and behaves cannot cut the earth to examinate like an orange

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение25.05.2013, 15:12 

nicolainicu2010 в сообщении #728255 писал(а):
and this ideea came to me just when my helmet fell off...why?(pls.comment)

when you driving without helmet you may get into a car accident and damage you brain. with may lead you to such ideas.

nicolainicu2010 в сообщении #728255 писал(а):
mr munin,the N and S poles turn with the earth,which is a compact ball and behaves cannot cut the earth to examinate like an orange

And that proofs what?

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение27.05.2013, 12:28 

EvilPhysicist в сообщении #728262 писал(а):
nicolainicu2010 в сообщении #728255 писал(а):
and this ideea came to me just when my helmet fell off...why?(pls.comment)

when you driving without helmet you may get into a car accident and damage you brain. with may lead you to such ideas.

nicolainicu2010 в сообщении #728255 писал(а):
mr munin,the N and S poles turn with the earth,which is a compact ball and behaves cannot cut the earth to examinate like an orange

And that proofs what?

i would respond to the 2nd question if you`d be more serious(see first)

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение27.05.2013, 12:31 
Заслуженный участник

Poor Venerians and Mercurians, their planets rotate so slowly...

BTW, what is "phisics"?

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение27.05.2013, 12:53 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

DimaM в сообщении #728954 писал(а):
Poor Venerians and Mercurians, their planets rotate so slowly...

And Moon people :-)

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение27.05.2013, 13:00 
Аватара пользователя

DimaM в сообщении #728954 писал(а):
Poor Venerians and Mercurians, their planets rotate so slowly...

It looks like that's why there are no any people in the Solar system except Earth... :)

 Re: my new theory of gravitation
Сообщение27.05.2013, 13:07 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя

Corund в сообщении #728974 писал(а):
It looks like that's why there are no any people in the Solar system except Earth... :)

Jupiter rotates faster than Earth (in fact, all giant planets).

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