Russ J Immunol. 1999 Dec;4(4):322-326.
Modern Immunotherapy in Clinical Medicine: Present and Future.
Nesterova IV.
Medical Center of President of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
In this manuscript an attempt is made to review the most important information pertinent to the main immunotropic preparations used now in different fields of clinical medicine. Numerous studies have confirmed high clinico-immunological efficiency of natural and synthetic thymus preparations: tactivin, thymalin, thymoptin, thymogen, thymomodulin, thymovocal, thymostimulin, thymopentin TP-5 and others. First of all, imidazole compounds, such as levamisol (decaris), dibazol, metromidazol are referred as synthetic preparations with positive action on T cell immunity. Recent data give an evidence that immunoglobulin isotypes IgM and IgG have normalizing effects on immunopathological processes. At present, we are in disposition for rather broad selection of IgG class immunoglobulins both from home and from foreign production. Interferon therapy is rather widely spread and used in various fields of medicine. There is a huge volume of scientific information, which gives the evidence about versatile immunotropic effects of INF, mainly, of immunomodulating character. At present, there are several approaches to control cytokine (CK) network in different pathological conditions: a) administration of CK as replacement therapy; b) administration of CK with therapeutic purpose; c) administration of monoclonal antibodies against CK and their receptors. The most well developed application is CK use in tumor processes. Arsenal of immunotherapeutic drugs on pharmaceutical market in Russia is rather extensive in possession today. The great contribution to design, development and production of many of them was made by Russian scientists. This is only a small list: myelopid, tactivin, polyoxydonium, licopid, diuciphon, viferon, leukinferon and so on.
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