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http://www.massey.ac.nz/~wwiims/researc ... proach.pdf):
Res. Lett. Inf. Math. Sci., 2005, Vol. 7, pp 135-145
Available online at
http://iims.massey.ac.nz/research/letters/Kepstrum approach to real-time speech-enhancement methods using two microphones
Institute of Information & Mathematical Sciences
Massey University at Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
2. Kepstrum Approach
The word ‘cepstrum’, an anagram of the word ‘spectrum’, has originally been defined by Bogert et al (1963) as the magnitude power spectrum of the logarithm of the power spectrum of the observed time series and the word ‘complex cepstrum’ has been used by Schafer (1969) for both the magnitude and phase spectra of the observed signal. On the other hand, the word ‘kepstrum’, quite similar to the word ‘cepstrum’, is collected from the first letters of the Kolmogorov Equation Power Series Time Response, and then adds the Latin singular ending ‘um’ to denote one kepstrum and its plural word ‘kepstra’ is also used to denote more than one kepstrum by adding the Latin plural ending ‘a’. The two methods, complex cepstrum and kepstrum give quite identical results for most purposes but seem to have been derived from a different theoretical backgrounds.