Т.е. нет сферической симметрии
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Cranford continued to work on the modelling, eventually leading Lane to publish Spacetrack Report #2 detailing the Air Force General Perturbation theory, or AFGP4. The paper also described two simplified versions of the system, IGP4 which used a simplified drag model, and SGP4 (Simplified General Perturbations) which used IGP4's drag model along with a simplified gravity model.[8] The differences between the three models were slight for most objects. One year later, Spacetrack Report #3 was released, included full FORTRAN source code for the SGP4 model.[9] This quickly became the de facto standard model, both in the industry as well as the astronomy field.
The SGP4 model was later extended with corrections for deep space objects, creating SDP4, which used the same TLE input data. Over the years a number of more advanced prediction models have been created, but these have not seen widespread use. This is due to the TLE not containing the additional information needed by some of these formats, which makes it difficult to find the elements needed to take advantages of the improved model. More subtly, the TLE data is massaged in a fashion to improve the results when used with the SGP series models, which may cause the predictions of other models to be less accurate than SGP when used with common TLEs. The only new model to see widespread use is SGP8/SDP8, which were designed to use the same data inputs and are relatively minor corrections to the SGP4 model.
Но это всё весьма слабо связано с высотой спутника над поверхностью Земли (высота в апогее\перигее).