В Maple есть функция для решения рекуррентных уравнений - rsolve. Но аналогичной в Matlab - не нашел.
В достаточно новых версиях просто
rec и
solve в окне MuPAD.
rec(eq, y(n), <cond>)
rec(eq, y(n)) creates an object of type rec representing a recurrence equation for the sequence y(n).
The equation eq must involve only shifts y(n + i) with integer values of i; at least one such expression must be present in eq. An arithmetical expressioneq is equivalent to the equation eq = 0.
Initial or boundary conditions cond must be specified as sets of equations of the form {y(n0) = y0, y(n1) = y1, ...} with arithmetical expressions n0, n1, ... that must not contain the identifier n, and arithmetical expressions y0, y1, ... that must not contain the identifier y.
Example 1
[rec(y(n + 1) = 2*y(n)*(n + 1)/n, y(n))
{2^n C1 n}