В книге F.R. Drake, D.Singh. Intermediate Set Theory. Wiley, 1996. P. 216 написано:
[We write]

for the image of


, i.e.

, the set of values of

for arguments in

. Note that

. Alternatives: there are many, e.g.

![$f[\![z]\!]$ $f[\![z]\!]$](https://dxdy-02.korotkov.co.uk/f/5/8/f/58f1766df597742dba3de50150310b4e82.png)
, and even

, in cases where it is clear that

could not be an argument for

but must be treated as a set of arguments (in which case the arguments for

would be denoted by lowercase letters). We must treat this usage with care within set theory, where every object is a set; but it is very common, and sometimes natural.
Мне кажется, я тоже видел
![$f[Z]$ $f[Z]$](https://dxdy-02.korotkov.co.uk/f/d/9/4/d94ecc8a5df64a30190cea9b45b39ea082.png)
где-то еще.