Всем добрый день. Использую стандартный пример из библиотеки fusion (Simulating Passive Radar Sensors and Radar Interferences). Немного изменив код, заметил, что не обнаруживается переотраженное от цели излучение, если цель и приемник не попадают в один луч излучения одновременно.
Код ниже прикрепил : стоит изменить 24 строчку (offset = [35e3 -5e3 -ht] на offset = [35e3 -15e3 -ht]; , что бы одновременно цель и приемник попадали в луч, так переотраженный от цели сигнал обнаруживается детектором. Не могу понять в чем дело !? Заранее спасибо.
scene = trackingScenario;
sceneDuration = 5; % с
scene.StopTime = sceneDuration;
ht = 3e3; % Altitude in meters
spd = 700*1e3/3600; % Speed in m/s
ang = -30;
rot = [cosd(ang) sind(ang) 0;-sind(ang) cosd(ang) 0; 0 0 1];
offset = [5e3 2e3 -ht];
start = offset - [spd*sceneDuration/2 0 0]*rot;
stop = offset + [spd*sceneDuration/2 0 0]*rot;
traj = waypointTrajectory('Waypoints',[start;stop],'TimeOfArrival',[0; sceneDuration]);
ht = 3e3; % Altitude in meters
spd = 700*1e3/3600; % Speed in m/s
ang = 180;
rot = [cosd(ang) sind(ang) 0;-sind(ang) cosd(ang) 0; 0 0 1];
offset = [35e3 -5e3 -ht];
start = offset - [spd*sceneDuration/2 0 0]*rot;
stop = offset + [spd*sceneDuration/2 0 0]*rot;
traj = waypointTrajectory('Waypoints',[start;stop],'TimeOfArrival',[0; sceneDuration]);
ht = 3e3; % Altitude in meters
spd = 700*1e3/3600; % Speed in m/s
ang = 20;
rot = [cosd(ang) sind(ang) 0;-sind(ang) cosd(ang) 0; 0 0 1];
offset = [22e3 -10e3 -ht];
start = offset - [spd*sceneDuration/2 0 0]*rot;
stop = offset + [spd*sceneDuration/2 0 0]*rot;
traj = waypointTrajectory('Waypoints',[start;stop],'TimeOfArrival',[0; sceneDuration]);
platform(scene,'Trajectory',traj); % Default 10 dBsm RCS at all viewing angles
helperDisplay = helperRadarExampleDisplay(scene);
legend('Ground', 'Platforms');
esm = radarSensor(1, 'No scanning', ...
'DetectionMode', 'ESM', ...
'UpdateRate', 12.5, ... % Hz
'MountingAngles', [0 0 0], ... % [Z Y X] deg
'FieldOfView', [60 10], ... % [az el] deg
'CenterFrequency', 300e6, ... % Hz
'Bandwidth', 30e6, ... % Hz
'WaveformTypes', [0 1], ... % Detect the interference waveform type
'HasINS', true, ... % ef
'DetectionThreshold', 1e10, ...
'Sensitivity', -1e10);
% Attach the ESM sensor to the first platform.
platESM = scene.Platforms{1};
platESM.Emitters = {}; % Remove the emitter.
platESM.Sensors = esm;
% Create the emitter for the monostatic radar.
radarTx = radarEmitter(2, 'Sector', ...
'ScanMode' , 'Electronic', ...
'UpdateRate', 12.5, ... % Hz
'MountingAngles', [0 0 0], ... % [Z Y X] deg
'FieldOfView', [20 10], ... % [az el] deg
'CenterFrequency', 300e6, ... % Hz
'Bandwidth', 3e6, ... % Hz
'ProcessingGain', 50, ... % dB
'WaveformType', 0, ...
'EIRP', 100); % Use 1 to indicate this radar's waveform
radarRx = radarSensor(2, ...
'DetectionMode', 'Monostatic', ...
'EmitterIndex', radarTx.EmitterIndex, ...
'HasINS', true);
% Attach to the radar emitter and sensor to the second platform.
platRadar = scene.Platforms{2};
platRadar.Emitters = radarTx;
platRadar.Sensors = radarRx;
% Show the configuration of sensors and platforms.
helperDisplay = helperRadarExampleDisplay(scene);
title('Passive detection of a monostatic radar');
% Take a snapshot 2 seconds into the scenario.
snapTime = 2; % s
helperDisplay.GrabFigureFcn = @(scene,fig)helperGrabFigureOnce(scene,fig,snapTime);
% Set the random seed for repeatable results.
platforms = scene.Platforms;
numPlat = numel(platforms);
% Set update rate for the scenario to a common rate for the sensors and emitters.
rate = commonRate(platforms); % Hz
scene.UpdateRate = rate;
plotDets = {};
while advance(scene)
% Get current simulation time.
time = scene.SimulationTime;
% Collect emitted signals.
txEmiss = {};
txConfigs = [];
for iPlat = 1:numPlat
thisPlatform = platforms{iPlat};
% Generate signals for each emitter on this platform.
[theseSigs, theseConfigs] = emit(thisPlatform, time);
txEmiss = {txEmiss{:}, theseSigs{:}}; %#ok<CCAT>
txConfigs = [txConfigs; theseConfigs]; %#ok<AGROW>
% Reflect signals off of platforms in the scenario.
reflSigs = radarChannel(txEmiss, platforms);
% Generate detections.
bufferDets = {};
rxConfigs = [];
for iPlat = 1:numPlat
thisPlatform = platforms{iPlat};
% Generate detections for each detector on this platform.
[theseDets, ~, theseConfigs] = detect(thisPlatform, reflSigs, txConfigs, time);
bufferDets = [bufferDets; theseDets]; %#ok<AGROW>
% Collect configurations for each detector.
rxConfigs = [rxConfigs; theseConfigs]; %#ok<AGROW>
% Reset detections after every scan of radar sensor.
if txConfigs(end).IsScanDone
plotDets = bufferDets;
plotDets = [plotDets;bufferDets]; %#ok<AGROW>
% Update display with current beam position, and detections.
title('Radar detected by an ESM sensor');
function rate = commonRate(platforms)
dt = [];
for iPlat = 1:numel(platforms)
thisPlatform = platforms{iPlat};
theseSensors = thisPlatform.Sensors;
for iSensor = 1:numel(theseSensors)
thisSensor = theseSensors{iSensor};
tau = round(1e6/thisSensor.UpdateRate); % microseconds
if isempty(dt)
dt = tau;
dt = gcd(dt,tau);
rate = 1e6./dt; % Hz