Помогите пожалуйста разобраться с задачей. Задача взята из открытого ресурса лекций Massachussets Institute of Technology
Let X = R and let P and Q be normal measures, both with variance 0.04, P = N(0,0.04) and Q = N(1,0.04). Larger values of x tend to favor Q, so it seems reasonable to take A as a half-line [c,∞)for some c.At x =1/2, the densities of P and Q are equal. For x< 1/2,P has larger density. For x> 1/2, Q does. Soifwehaveno reason in advance to prefer one of P and Q,we might take c =1/2. Then the probabilities of the two types of errors are each about 0.0062 (from tables of the normal distribution). In other words the size is 0.0062 and the power is 0.9938. If the variances had been larger, so would the error probabilities.
tables of the normal distribution are here
Не могу понять почему из таблицы было взято именно значение 0,0062?
Заранее спасибо всем откликнувшимся.