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 Postdoc позиция по теоретической физике
Сообщение04.07.2013, 19:31 

Postdoc позиция по теоретической физике (статфизика и смежные области) во Франции (Université Paris Sud):


Deadline: July 20, 2013.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение21.07.2013, 11:59 
Аватара пользователя

из прошлого
The 29th Congress will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The host and local organizer is the Central
Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI)—the ICAS Member Society in

Кто поедет??
Call for Papers - Submission of Abstracts

What is the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences?
- It was founded by Theodore von Karman in 1957.
- It is a non-government, not-for-profit organization that facilitates and encourages the free exchange of
information on aeronautical research and technology at a global level.

ICAS 2014 Topic Areas:
1. Aircraft and Systems Integration
– Subsonic and Supersonic Transport Aircraft
– Military Aircraft and Missiles
– Non-Conventional Aviation Systems and
– Unmanned Air Vehicles
– Hypersonic Aircraft
– Commuter and General Aviation Aircraft
– Rotorcraft
– Sailplanes and Ultra light Aircraft
– Multidisciplinary Optimization
– Design for Survivability
– Design Education
– New Aircraft Concepts — Military, Civil
– Trans-atmospheric Vehicles
2. Aerodynamics
– Subsonic
– Transonic and Supersonic
– Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
– High Angle of Attack, High Lift
– Computational Fluid Dynamics
– Transition and Turbulence
– Wind Tunnel and Flight Testing
– Experimental Facilities and Techniques
– Aero acoustics
– Flow Control
– Biologically-inspired flight
3. Materials and Structures
– Composite Materials and Structures
– Applications and Issues
– Metallic Alloys
– High Temperature Materials and Structures
– Structural Mechanics
– Fatigue and Damage Tolerance
– Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
– Dynamic Loading, Acoustic Loading
and Impact
– Structural Testing
– Nanotechnology
4. Propulsion
– Gas Turbines
– Propellers and Fans
– Hypersonic Propulsion
– Inlets and Nozzles
– Propulsion / Airframe Integration
– Noise and Emissions (Cf Topic No 10)
– Experimental Facilities and Techniques
5. Flight Dynamics and Control

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение22.08.2013, 17:23 
Аватара пользователя

This call contains 20 postdoc positions in various areas of computer science:

Positions are offered in:

Algorithm engineering (String Algorithms group)
Algorithmic bioinformatics (Genome-Scale Algorithmics group)
Automated reasoning and search, especially propositional logic (Computational Logic group)
Computational astrophysics and/or data analysis (Computational Methods and Data Analysis for Astrophysics group)
Computational biology and statistical methods in bioinformatics (Computational Systems Biology group)
Computational creativity and data mining (Discovery group)
Dynamic and large-scale networked systems (Data Communications Software group)
Intelligent multimodal information access (Content-Based Image and Information Retrieval Group)
Machine learning and neuroscience (Statistical Machine Learning group)
Machine learning for structured data (Kernel Machines, Pattern Analysis and Computational Biology group)
Machine learning methods for infectious disease epidemiology (Bayesian Statistics Group)
Probabilistic modeling and machine learning (Complex Systems Computation group)
Statistical machine learning (Statistical Machine Learning group)
Analysing ubiquitous sensor data (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Interactive visualization (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Affective computing and BCI (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Intelligent user interfaces and/or recommender systems (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Information retrieval (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Machine learning and data analysis, especially information retrieval, HCI, text and context data (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)
Probabilistic modeling and data analysis for bioinformatics (HIIT-Wide Focus Area)

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение08.10.2014, 21:53 
Аватара пользователя


Application deadline October 13, 2014. Start date negotiable but
ideally by January 2015.

The Algorithms Team in the Department of Computer Science at Bristol
University is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher in the areas
of algorithms research and/or lower bounds. The post will require a
high level of expertise in areas which may include but not be limited
to data structures/algorithms, discrete probability, discrete
mathematics and combinatorics.

A PhD in mathematics, computer science, operations research or a
related field is required.

Please see http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Research/Algorithms/ for full
details both of the post and the application process. For informal
enquiries, please contact Raphael Clifford ( clifford@cs.bris.ac.uk).

-- Wed Oct 08, 2014 13:54:58 --

Open PostDoc position at the research group Theoretical Computer Science at University of Siegen, Germany (Payment German TV-L 13)

The research group for Theoretical Computer Science is offering a position as a postdoctoral researcher, starting at January 1, 2015 or earlier.
The job is part of the research project QUANT-KOMP (quantitative aspects of grammar-based compression) and is funded by the DFG
(German Research Foundation). The salary is based on 13 TV-L (salary class 13 in the German federal state employees salary scheme TV-L),
and the duration is three years.* Short description of the project QUANT-KOMP:

Grammar-based compression is an important subject that has been well-studied from both theoretical and practical point of views.
The main idea is to represent large objects like texts or trees by grammars that generate the input object only. Except for the
compressors from the Lempel-Ziv family only few quantitative aspects about the quality of grammar-based compressors are
known. The main object of the project is to develop new techniques that can provide precise quantitative information about
the compression rate of grammar-based text or tree compression. Both the approximation rate and the classical entropies
(Shannon-entropy, empirical entropy, topological entropy) shall be analyzed for grammar-based compression. For trees the
compression via DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) is of special interest, as it is ubiquitous in Computer Science.

* Your tasks:

- Scientific studies
- Publication of the results in international journals and conference proceedings
- Presentation at conferences
- Supervising students assisting the project

The position does not demand teaching.

* Your profile:

- University degree (diploma, master or bachelor) in Computer Science or Mathematics
- Ph.D. in Theoretical Computer Science or in a similar area
- Knowledge of one or more of the following subjects is favorable: formal languages and automata, algorithms on words and trees,
data compression, information theory, analytic combinatorics.

* University of Siegen:

The University of Siegen has about 18,500 students and 1,700 employees (of which 1,100 are scientific staff). Its scientific focus
is on innovative and interdisciplinary research. It offers a wide spectra of interesting subjects like humanities, economics, engineering
and natural sciences and is a excellent place to teach and do research with many interdisciplinary projects. The University of Siegen
also offers many different ways to combine your career- and family plans; it has been certified as a family-friendly university and offers
a dual career service.

You can find information about the University of Siegen at our Homepage www.uni-siegen.de,
and about the department of Theoretical Computer Science at http://www.eti.uni-siegen.de/ti/.

The university of Siegen is trying to enlarge the number of women in teaching and research. We motivate women to hand in their

Applications of disabled persons are welcome.

For further information, contact Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey, Email:

Please send your application with the usual documents (CV, diploma, etc) by November 1, 2014 to
Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey, Department Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Fakultät IV, Universität Siegen, Hölderlinstrasse 3, 57076 Siegen
or electronically to lohrey@eti.uni-siegen.de

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение04.12.2014, 22:29 
Аватара пользователя

Title: Ph.D. positions in Theory and Algorithms at Bristol

Ph.D. positions are available in the Theory and Algorithms Group of the University of Bristol, UK. These positions are fully funded, subject to competition.

Deadline for applications: 5 January, 2015; however, we encourage early applications.

Students interested in one or more of the following topics are invited to apply:

* String algorithms
* Streaming algorithms
* Quantum computation
* Algorithms for dynamic data
* Time and space lower bounds
* Algorithmic spectral graph theory
* Principles of programming languages

Please visit http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Research/Algorithms/ for details of the members of the group as well our past and current research. General information about funding for Ph.D. students is available at http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/gr ... index.html

To apply, or for any informal enquiries, please email Dr Raphael Clifford ( clifford@cs.bris.ac.uk ) with a brief description of your academic interests, and attaching a CV. The subject line of your email should read "PhD application".

The University of Bristol is a research-intensive institution regularly ranked among the top universities in the UK. With a population of over 400,000, Bristol is the largest city in the South West of the UK and the region’s leading centre for business, culture and education. Bristol recently came top in the 2013 MoneySuperMarket "Quality of Living Index" ranking with the quote "Bristol beats other cities hands down", and in "The Sunday Times" "Best Places to Live in
Britain" 2014.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение07.01.2015, 12:09 
Аватара пользователя

The ALGANT consortium offers a two-year world-class integrated master course and a joint doctorate program in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory. Both programs are now open for registration: http://www.algant.eu

Selected Master and Doctorate students will study at 2 consortium universities and be awarded a double degree. Partners to the consortium are: the universities of Bordeaux (France), Duisburg-Essen (Germany), Leiden (Netherlands), Milan (Italy), Concordia (Montréal, Canada), Padova (Italy), Paris-Sud (France), Regensburg (Germany), Stellenbosch (South Africa) and the Chennai Mathematical Institute (India).

Deadline for registration to the Master program is 10 February 2015.
Deadline for registration to the Doctorate program is 5 February 2015.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение05.02.2015, 15:40 

PhD/Post-doc/Professor в NLPpeople: Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Machine Translation и т.д.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение10.10.2015, 18:42 
Аватара пользователя

Какие есть сайты, где выложены актуальные позиции, например постдока по математике? MathJobs, да - какие есть еще?

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение10.11.2015, 19:23 
Аватара пользователя

From: Jérémie Detrey <Jeremie.Detrey@loria.fr>
Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 9:30 AM
Subject: 12-month post-doc position in the CARAMEL group (Nancy, France)

Dear all,

We are seeking candidates for a 12-month post-doctoral position in the
CARAMEL group [1,2] at INRIA Nancy - Grand Est [3] and LORIA [4], in
Nancy, France. The starting date is early 2016. This position is
funded by INRIA Nancy - Grand Est and by Région Lorraine, and is
renewable for a further 6 months.


The research project for this position revolves around exploring
architectural choices for accelerating carefully selected parts of the
Number Field Sieve (NFS) algorithm for factoring large integers.
Indeed, this algorithm naturally splits into several well identified
steps, some of which are extremely computationally intensive and act
as tight bottlenecks for targeting larger factorizations.

Even though there exist several efficient software implementations,
such as CADO-NFS [5], developed in the CARAMEL group, the use of
accelerators such as GPUs, many-core CPUs or even FPGAs and ASICs was
all but rarely considered.

The goal of this project is therefore to precisely identify which
parts of the NFS algorithm might benefit from such accelerators, to
propose prototype implementations and to run extensive experiments so
as to quantify what speedup might actually be achieved.


We are looking for candidates with a good background in computer
arithmetic, computer micro-architecture, and with strong programming
and implementation skills on various targets (CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs,
etc.). Knowledge of algorithmic number theory would be a definite


The net salary for this position is €2115 per month.

How to apply?

Applications should be sent to both Pierrick Gaudry and Jérémie Detrey
by email at <Pierrick.Gaudry@loria.fr> and <Jeremie.Detrey@loria.fr>.

[1] http://caramel.loria.fr/
[2] https://www.inria.fr/en/teams/caramel
[3] https://www.inria.fr/en/centre/nancy
[4] http://www.loria.fr/loria-news
[5] http://cado-nfs.gforge.inria.fr/

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение19.11.2015, 12:50 

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers postdoctoral positions in mathematics and in fundamental computer science in the main laboratories of Paris for academic year 2016-2017:

http://www.sciencesmaths-paris.fr/en/po ... es-247.htm

PGSM International PhD program for students who did not prepare a Master in France:

http://www.sciencesmaths-paris.fr/en/pr ... al-641.htm

The call for applications is open until December 1st 2015, 11:59, Paris time.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение24.11.2015, 19:04 
Аватара пользователя

Open PostDoc position at the research group Theoretical Computer Science at University of Siegen, Germany

The Chair for Theoretical Computer Science, Department for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Faculty IV at University of Siegen is accepting applications for one doctoral post (salary category TV-L 13, 100%) for a duration of 3 years.

* Job description:

This position will enable a student to complete his/her doctoral degree.

We expect:
- Development of models and algorithms for diagnosis of distributed embedded real-time systems
- Development of specific algorithms for data compression of diagnosis data streams and theoretical analysis of these algorithms
- Documentation of results and preparation of project reports
- Supervising students for seminar/Bachlor thesis/Master thesis projects
- Completion of PhD

* Your profile:
- Master's degree or a Diploma in computer science, mathematics or electrical engineering
- Solid knowledge in Theoretical Computer Science and very good mathematical skills
- Specific knowledge in data compression, information theory, algorithmics, and embedded systems are advantageous
- Programming skills in C, C++ are advantageous as well
- Very good English language skills

* University of Siegen:

With 20,000 students, 1,900 employees, including 1,200 academic positions, the University of Siegen is an innovative institution emphasizing interdisciplinary orientation. Consisting in a broad spectrum of departments, from liberal arts, social sciences, and economics to natural sciences and engineering, the University of Siegen provides an outstanding teaching and research environment with numerous inter/transdisciplinary research projects.

Information on the University of Siegen is available online: www.uni-siegen.de

The University of Siegen is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in this type of employment, the University actively encourages applications from women. The University facilitates viable combination of professional and family needs. For candidates with equal qualification, preference will be given to people with physical disabilities.

* Contact for further information: Prof. Markus Lohrey, Tel. 0271/740-2826, email: lohrey@eti.uni-siegen.de

Please send your application documents (resume, copies of diplomas and certificates) in duplicate till December 17, 2015 with reference number 2015/IV/ETI/WM/219 to the following address: Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey, Universität Siegen, Hölderlinstr. 3, 57076 Siegen, Germany.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение01.01.2016, 16:47 
Аватара пользователя

В 2016 году, в связи с переходом с 5-летнего на 6-летний учебный план, на мехмате не будет своих выпускников, которые могли бы поступить в аспирантуру. Однако план приема в аспирантуру остается прежним. Если его не выполнить, могут быть неприятности. Поэтому приглашаются поступающие в аспирантуру в 2016 году.

Сайт аспирантуры механико-математического факультета МГУ - http://www.math.msu.su/postgraduate_course

Телефон отделения математики +7(495)9391811.

Всем желающим поступить в аспирантуру кафедры теории вероятностей, просьба также сообщить об этом по адресу probability@yandex.ru (до 1 марта 2016 года)

 Postdoc and PhD Positions in Application of Machine Learning
Сообщение15.06.2016, 23:27 

В Сколтехе в группе проф. Александра Шапеева открыты позиции научного сотрудника и аспиранта по применению машинного обучения для представления и оптимизации свойств материалов при их сильном растяжении (для приложений электроники и фотоники). Данный проект реализуется совместно с Массачусетским технологическим институтом.

Подробности о позициях - http://join.skoltech.ru/vacancy-postdoc ... s-science/

Сайт проф. Александра Шапеева - http://www.shapeev.com

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение03.08.2016, 12:09 
Аватара пользователя

 !  Сообщение safart1970 отделено в отдельную тему для переноса в Пургаторий.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение19.11.2016, 15:11 

Уважаемая LynxGAV во втором сообщении данной темы оставила две ссылки. Сейчас они нерабочие. Может быть у кого-нибудь ещё осталась эта информация? Сам попытался найти в архиве - видно что была какая-то схема но картинка в очень плохом качестве. Мне просто хочется разобраться в системе высшего зарубежного образования. Пока что понял что есть PhD и postPhD.

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