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 Re: English speaking topic
Сообщение30.12.2015, 22:20 
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INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
"Thanx" :wink:
INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
My scores was
It's either "scores were" or "score was"
INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
I should check if Moderators are object against
Moders are not object. They may object though. :-)
In that case you may start a Math or Physics topic in English.

Munin в сообщении #1087080 писал(а):
also don't neglect using dictionary
this sounds a bit odd. At least not american-english for sure. Maybe better this way:
"Do not neglect a dictionary" OR "Don't neglect to use"

 Re: English speaking topic
Сообщение30.12.2015, 22:30 

INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
Thanks for everyone!

The preposition would be "to", not "for".

INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
My scores was about 4-5...

Although both terms "grades" and "scores" are used in reference to the studying performance of a student, they have a slightly different meaning and usage. The score is usually the result of a test, while common everyday marks are called grades, which is just the case here. Also, the verb should be in plural.

INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
But ten years without any practise...

practice, noun (but americans may disagree)

INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
...Moderators are object against this theme.

The "are" is to be omitted, "object to/against" is a verb on its own.

I am terribly sorry if I do not fit into the discussion, I just thought I might be of help here. It's literally the only topic in this forum where I happen to be sort of a competent participant.

I would recommend http://www.wordreference.com/ as a source of information and a place to discuss anything regarding languages. Do check it out, it has several forums!

 Re: English speaking topic
Сообщение30.12.2015, 23:14 
Заслуженный участник
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INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
Perhaps I had to write that I've learnt English and graduated about ten years ago. It's not a strange unknown language for me.

Let's speak French then :-)

INGELRII в сообщении #1087157 писал(а):
My scores was about 4-5

Your grades were A-B :-) (or "good" and "excellent").

"Scores" = "большое количество", as Heroes tells us :-)

Dan B-Yallay в сообщении #1087174 писал(а):
"Don't neglect to use"


KOH в сообщении #1087179 писал(а):
It's literally the only topic in this forum where I happen to be sort of a competent participant.


 Re: English speaking topic
Сообщение30.12.2015, 23:44 
Заслуженный участник

Munin в сообщении #1087198 писал(а):
Let's speak French then :-)
Oui, bien sûr!!! On commence? :mrgreen:

 Re: English speaking topic
Сообщение31.12.2015, 00:11 
Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя



I proposed some language that is strange for me, and now I feel awkward... Should have proposed Lakota maybe...

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