Thanks for everyone!
Perhaps I had to write that I've learnt English and graduated about ten years ago. It's not a strange unknown language for me. My scores was about 4-5, although I was treated quite leniently. But ten years without any practise have killed most of my skills, whatever they were.
I advice you to find some English chat or BBS and talk there.
Maybe I'll do so. Good advice.
И уж точно не забанят за оффтоп и отсутствие темы для обсуждения.
Russian language itself is offtipic here

Come on, there's about five recent topics in FreeFlight where Honored Members captured conversation and now discussing something that is very interesting, but have no relation to the original theme. And it's OK for everyone. Why not here?!
Nevertheless, I should check if Moderators are object against this theme. Right now I will complain against myself, and we'll see what happens.