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 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение19.01.2017, 23:41 

Быть может кто-нибудь подскажет, очень важную для меня вещь, где можно искать позиции PhD по физике высоких энергий и физики вне рамок стандартной модели (суперсимметрия, струны, ...)? Пока что нашёл лишь на inspirehep.net Но там очень мало таковых позиций.
Так же как думаете, стоит писать конкретным людям чьи статьи приглянулись, или это бессмысленное занятие?

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение19.01.2017, 23:50 
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illuminates в сообщении #1185990 писал(а):
Так же как думаете, стоит писать конкретным людям чьи статьи приглянулись, или это бессмысленное занятие?
Почему же? Вполне осмысленное. Правда, такие вещи лучше обсуждать лично на какой-нибудь конференции (а еще лучше - на банкете вечером), это эффективнее.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение06.07.2017, 18:44 
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Post specification:
Full-time Postdoctoral Fellow

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong, China

Job description:
The appointee will work together with Dr. Jesper Jansson in the research
project "Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures".
Potential research topics include graph algorithms, succinct data structures,
bioinformatics, parameterized complexity, and fast matrix multiplication.

Monthly salary:
25,000 HKD (before tax)

Application deadline:
August 5, 2017

Starting date:
October 1, 2017

If you would like to apply for the post, please read the official job
announcement at:
and follow the instructions at the top of this page:
https://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/job/en/ext ... search.php

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение05.08.2017, 17:48 
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CALL FOR APPLICATION: Postdoctoral Researcher
The Computational Sciences Group is currently searching for a bright and enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher with expertise in numerical simulations. The researcher for this opening will work at KAUST's Visual Computing Center to investigate and develop principled computational methods targeting simulation tasks in the fields of Visual Computing and Computer Graphics. Previous experience in these fields is a plus. The scope of the advertised position includes

publishing high impact work in order to build a substantial resume and strong international collaborations,
engaging with hand-picked KAUST researchers from all around the world,
mentoring and collaborating with KAUST graduate students as well as visiting students and researchers,
excellent total compensation, including accommodation, family health benefits, and a substantial salary,
living in a vibrant, multi-cultural campus town at the shores of the Red Sea.
Potential applicants should have

a doctoral degree with excellent academic credentials,
relevant research skills and experience in related fields demonstrated by high quality publications,
solid English communication skills (oral and written).

Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. To apply, please send your CV including a list of publications to Professor Michels (dominik.michels@kaust.edu.sa).

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение09.08.2017, 17:13 
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University of Pisa (Italy): two research positions

Two 1-year research positions are available at the Department of
Computer Science of the University of Pisa.

The positions are funded on the Project MIUR-SIR (2014) CMACBioSeq. The aim of this project is to develop research in the area of Data
Compression and Sequence Analysis by using methods from Combinatorics on
Words and by developing algorithms and data structures for the treatment of strings (indexing, querying, analyzing, ...), mainly datasets from Next-generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies or third generation sequencing technologies.
Candidates with expertise in string/parallel algorithms and NGS
bioinformatics are encouraged to apply.

Research areas include:
- string algorithmics,
- text indexing for big data,
- indexes for approximate pattern matching
- text compression and compressed text indexing,
- external memory indexes,
- space efficient data structures,
- shared memory parallel computing,
- and so on.

* Application deadline: August 2017, 25th
* Duration: 12 months
* Expected: Master's Degree (or PhD).

For detailed job descriptions and how to apply, visit:

https://www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/asseg ... pdfcvt.pdf

https://www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/asseg ... /index.htm

For more details on the position and information on how to apply please
contact Giovanna Rosone at giovanna.rosone@unipi.it

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение17.05.2018, 19:02 
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Насколько я знаю, позиция всё ещё открыта:
Post-doctoral Research Associate (Mathematical Biology)

The School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at Arizona State University (ASU) seeks applicants for a postdoctoral research position in Applied Mathematics or Computational Biology (see department info at https://newcollege.asu.edu/mns). Given the multidisciplinary nature of the research, a highly self-directed, creative and self-motivated individual is sought. The position is a one-year full-time fiscal-year appointment with an anticipated start date of 7/1/18. Salary range is dependent on experience, with associated University benefits.

Essential Functions
Investigate retinal degeneration via mathematical and computational approaches. This involves creating systems of equations that model aspects of the retina in normal vision and/or degeneration, analyzing such a system analytically and computationally, and interpreting the results in terms of the application. Expertise in MATLAB, Python, or other similar software package is essential to conduct the computational aspect of the research. Additional expertise should either be in physiology with an emphasis on the retina or in mathematical biology with an emphasis on population models and multi-scale methods to analyze such systems. Wetlab experiments will not be conducted but collaboration with wetlab experimentalists will be done. Excellent oral and written communication skills required.

Duties and Responsibilities
The duties of this position involve research in applied math or computational biology, and writing grants. Specifically, this individual will:
  • Conduct research as required to meet the goals of projects
  • Contribute and analyze data for research publications, grants, and grant reports
  • Draft manuscripts for publication reporting results of original research
  • Draft grant applications for external funding to advance and augment existing projects
  • Work as part of research team with graduate students and faculty.
  • Supervise research personnel, including undergraduate researchers

Minimum Qualifications:
  • Ph.D. in a field appropriate to the area of assignment by the time of appointment.
  • Appropriate computational skills to undertake this research.

Preferred Qualifications
  • Experience with and knowledge of multiscale approaches in applied mathematics.
  • Knowledge of Python and MATLAB.
  • An established track record of research in applied mathematics, computational mathematics/ biology, or statistics and an ability and willingness to learn from and collaborate with researchers in the other two areas
  • Experience working with datasets or data analytics.
  • Evidence/experience pursing grant funded research.

Instructions to Apply
Email application to mns.dept@asu.edu. Application deadline is May 3, 2018; if not filled, every week thereafter until the search is closed. Complete applications must include a cover letter that briefly explains the candidate’s interest and fit with the position, unofficial transcripts, CV/resume, personal statement addressing the candidate’s research, statement of teaching experience and philosophy, and at least three letters of recommendation, one of which should address teaching qualifications. Requested material should be in one document. Only electronic applications are accepted for this position. Please reference Job #12380 when applying.

 ICM 2022 St. Petersburg
Сообщение01.08.2018, 23:57 
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СПб выиграл у Парижа...

Поскольку связь с сайтом достаточно плохая, цитирую полностью

ICM 2018 писал(а):
Saint Petersburg will host the next International Congress of Mathematicians, in 2022. The Russian city, the second largest in the country, beat Paris by 83 to 63 in the first-ever bid in the history of the ICM, at the 2018 General Assembly in São Paulo. Saint Petersburgs’ bid had been unanimously recommended by the IMU Executive Committee, which visited both cities in March.

ICM 2022 will be the second ICM in Russia in History, after the 1966 Moscow event. As it is widely known, Russia has a long tradition in Mathematics History, having eight Fields Medal winners – two of whom, Stanislav Smirnov, was a leading bidder – and celebrated mathematicians throughout the years. Andrei Okounkov, another Fields medallist, was also part of the team.

The USD 9 million Russian bid includes very strong government support, visa-free entry to all ICM participants, 1,000 Travel Grants with full financial support for mathematicians from developing countries and 1,300 students from remote parts of Russia and former Soviet Republics will be invited with all costs covered by the Organizing Committee. Russian engagement in Saint Petersburg’s bid could also see by the presence of vice prime minister and former Russia World Cup Organizing Committee Head, Arkady Dvorkovich, alongside Smirnov.

The national government has stated full support for the event and the previous experiences with World Cup, the Winter Olympics in Sochi and others were presented as successful examples by the bidders. The French candidacy also presented a video of president Emmanuel Macron in which he guarantees full support for the Paris bid.

Before the voting, the ICM Executive Committee member Hyungju Park, from South Korea, pointed out that the Russian bid had sufficient budget with room for unexpected suprises, that visa-free entry would make it easy to travel to Saint Petersburg and reduce travel costs as well as the complete support of 1,000 matematicians plus 1300 local students would likely increase the impact of the event.

 i  Темы объединены. // maxal

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение13.01.2021, 18:38 
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Position in Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science

The St.Petersburg State University invites applications for a full-time position of Associate Professor (Docent) in

Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science

for advanced teaching within the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

This position includes teaching both in Russian and in English.

The undergraduate program in Mathematics and TCS is very selective, with students being some of the best in the world. In particular, every year more winners of the all-Russian mathematical Olympiad are joining our program than any other similar program in Russia. The department also has graduate programs. The well-known Chebyshev Laboratory is a part of our Department.

Applicants are expected to have a strong research record and to be able to teach both in Russian and in English. Appointees are expected to carry out research of high level, to teach well, and to perform customary administrative duties such as advising students, participating in committees, organizing admissions, etc. The teaching load is up to 8 academic hours (= 6 astronomic hours) per week.

The salary level for this position is 189,471 rub. per month. Initial contract is normally signed for a period of up to five years, and can be renewed by further 5 year terms.

The link for the details of the formal application procedure:
https://hr.spbu.ru/konkursy/31748-matem ... -2021.html

Prior to the formal application, all applicants are invited to send a copy of their CV to Alina Zagorodnyuk <chebyshev.msc@gmail.com> mentioning any detail that could be relevant to the work of the selection committee, such as, for instance, the names of students they supervised, if any, etc.

The minimum requirements for the position are as follows:

- the degree of Ph. D. (foreign) or Cand. Sci. (Russian);
- at least four refereed publications indexed simultaneously in MathSciNet and Scopus in 2015-2020;
- at least three years of experience in research or teaching (excluding Ph.D. studies but including work on research projects/grants).

Applications and questions on formalities should be sent to personnel officer Aurelia Smorodintseva <a.smorodintseva@spbu.ru>. Less formal questions should be sent to Alina Zagorodnyuk <chebyshev.msc@gmail.com> who can also provide templates for the formal documents to be submitted to the personnel officer, so we recommend to contact Alina first and then send the official application.

The applications are accepted starting January 11, 2021.
Deadline: February 12, 2021.
Teaching starts: September 1, 2021.

TCS and Logic group at the department includes
Elena Arseneva (computational geometry, formerly at Universite Libre de Bruxelles),
Edward A. Hirsch (proof complexity, jointly with Steklov Institute at St.Petersburg),
Alexander S. Kulikov (computational complexity, jointly with Steklov Institute at St.Petersburg),
Alexander Okhotin (complexity of automata, formerly University of Turku),
Svetlana Puzynina (combinatorics, formerly at Universite Paris Diderot),
Saswata Shannigrahi (discrete geometry, formerly at IIT Guwahati),
Dmitry Sokolov (proof complexity, formerly at Lund University and University of Copenhagen),
Stanislav Speranski (mathematical logic, formerly at Novosibirsk State University),
Alexander Tiskin (algorithms, formerly at University of Warwick).

The news on the department page: https://math-cs.spbu.ru/en/news/new-pos ... c-and-tcs/

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение29.03.2021, 22:30 

В России с 1 августа введут новый порядок защиты диссертаций. Соответствующее постановление подписал премьер-министр Михаил Мишустин.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение14.06.2021, 16:52 

В России открылась первая аспирантура в сфере искусственного интеллекта.
Университет ИТМО запускает аспирантское направление в сфере изучения ИИ. Будущие кандидаты наук получат комплексные знания из разных направлений, связанных с изучением и развитием ИИ и машинного обучения.

 Постдок позиция в Швеции
Сообщение10.09.2021, 19:15 
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One Postdoctor in Mathematics
Ref PAR 2021/1108

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 53 500 students and 6 500 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology is the largest mathematics department in Sweden with about 200 employees. The department has three scientific divisions, Algebra and Geometry, Analysis and Probability Theory, and Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

We have an international environment with frequent exchanges with other universities around the world. The department provides a creative and supportive atmosphere with a steady flow of international guests. There are many committed teachers with extensive and broad experience of all aspects of higher education.

Our department continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all our activities. We work actively to be a parent-friendly organization.

More information about us can be found on our website: http://www.chalmers.se/math/

At the Division of Analysis and Probability Theory, we conduct research at a high international level in areas such as harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, probability theory and mathematical physics. We are now looking for a postdoctoral researcher strengthening our research in real harmonic analysis.

Subject area
Real harmonic analysis and operator theory

Subject area description
The postdoctoral project is on “Matrix degenerate elliptic equations and singular integrals” and is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation. To start with, the aim is to prove boundedness of the holomorphic functional calculus for boundary operators associated with elliptic equations, which are not degenerate only in the size of the coefficients, but anisotropically degenerate in the sense that the coefficient matrices are assumed only to have a matrix Muckenhoupt weight as real part. These boundary operators are closely related to singular integral operators, and the hope is to also prove local Tb theorems for matrix weighted singular integral operators, within the project.

The project is a natural continuation of a long and successful line of research in

harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. Starting from the Coifman-McIntosh-Meyer theorem on the boundedness of the Cauchy singular integral on Lipschitz curves from 1982, the history goes via T1 and Tb theorem for singular integrals and the development of wavelet theory during the 1980s, the resolution of the Kato square root problem by Auscher et al. in 2002, and continues with extensions of these techniques and applications to boundary value problems for elliptic systems by Auscher, Hofmann, McIntosh, Rosén et al. in more recent years.

Experience of the harmonic analysis technology surrounding Tb theorems for singular integrals and/or the Kato square root estimate/boundedness of holomorphic functional calculi, is a main qualification for the position. Skills related to the theory of Muckenhoupt weights are also relevant.

Job assignments
You will conduct research in the group of Professor Andreas Rosén. You are expected to independently develop new ideas in this collaboration.

If the candidate is interested, at most 10% of the time can be spent on teaching and supervision

The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.

To qualify for the position, you should have completed (or had your defense for) a Ph.D. degree in mathematics or equivalent, by the application deadline. The degree should generally not be older than three years at the time of the application.

Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.

The assessment of your application will be based mainly on your scientific skills, and in particular skills relevant to the project as described above. You are expected to provide evidence of excellence in research. On the personal level you should be highly motivated and independent. Your ability to collaborate and communicate will be considered in the assessment. Fluency in English is expected.

Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, 2 years
Extent: 100 %
Location: Division of Analysis and Probability Theory, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Gothenburg
First day of employment: As agreed

Application procedure
Submit the following documents:

Personal letter,
CV, including a complete list of publications and conference talks,
Research statement (maximum two pages), accounting for your previous experience and future plans,
Contact details for two reference persons,
Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates,
Copies of at most five publications.

 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение06.10.2021, 16:31 
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6, 8 и 13 октября 2021 года проходит виртуальный Международный форум
по популяризации математической науки
и преподаванию математики
. http://ifmep2021.com/
Zoom-ссылка есть в ФБ у Константина Кнопа

 stochastics and algorithmics behind network problems. Postdo
Сообщение08.10.2021, 08:40 
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The research project NETWORKS is looking for 14 international postdoctoral fellows in mathematics, computer science and quantum computing. Are you interested in the stochastics and algorithmics behind network problems? And would you like to be part of this project with its many activities? Then we invite you to apply for one of these positions.

Application deadline

15 November 2021

full time employment contract for 2 years

Salary indication
€2,836 to €4,474 gross per month, based on a fulltime contract


The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Leiden)

For more information and the application procedure, please see


 Re: PhD, PostDoc, Аспирантура, Конференции
Сообщение31.01.2022, 00:00 
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Позиции под руководством сильного молодого математика. Лично знаю и рекомендую
Dear Colleague,

Several postdoc and Ph.D. positions (4 years, resp. 6 years) are available in my new group at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, in the analysis and numerical analysis of partial differential equations.

I'd be delighted if you could forward the detailed information below to suitable candidates.

A current deadline for applications is February 16, 2022.

Best regards,
Heiko Gimperlein

Applications are invited for several postdoc and Ph.D. positions (4 years, resp. 6 years) at the University of Innsbruck in applied and computational mathematics in the following areas: analysis and numerical analysis of partial differential equations, applications in the natural and computer sciences. The successful candidates will contribute to the research and teaching activities of the new group in engineering mathematics:

https://mat1.uibk.ac.at/heiko .

A strong background is expected in analysis, numerical analysis or their applications. The starting date is September 1, 2022 or a mutually agreed date.

For additional information email Heiko.Gimperlein@uibk.ac.at.

The application deadline is February 16, 2022. Details of the position and the application procedure can be found at:

Postdoc positions:
https://lfuonline.uibk.ac.at/public/kar ... d_in=12350
https://lfuonline.uibk.ac.at/public/kar ... d_in=12351

Ph.D. positions:
https://lfuonline.uibk.ac.at/public/kar ... d_in=12353

Note that the research plan requested with the application for the Ph.D. position is not mandatory.

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